
Web Journal of Admiral Thad Allen

Friday, May 15, 2009

Tweets from the Product Line Managers Academy


This week Product Line Managers (PLMs) came together from all of the logistics/service centers for a modernization workshop. The primary objectives of the workshop were to:

- Provide intro to training & tools required for PLMs.
- Establish cultural foundation for PLMs & Support Div Chiefs.
- Gain understanding of Roles & Responsibilities of new logistics centers.

Many Coast Guard senior leaders took the opportunity to speak to the PLMs. I came across one of the participant's "tweets," which I thought very succinctly, in 140 characters or less, captured the key messages. These were provided by CDR Dan Taylor (or "Simplydan") who is the CG-LIMS project manager in the acquisitions directorate.

In reverse chronology:

- VADM Pearson: If you think everything is smooth & comfortable, you're not going fast enough. #logmod
- DCMS: 3 priorities: connection to operator, integration across msn spt org'n, process discipline / examination. #logmod
- CG-8: Nothing more fundamental to modern'n of CG than getting logistics transformation right. #logmod
- CG-4: Everyone in room (LC/SC leaders) has opportunity to change the CG forever. #logmod
- "All we've done so far is take first step on very long march." #logmod
- CG-4: units giving up $ and autonomy, get predictable reliability from system in return. #logmod
- CG-4: Logistics Centers need to be as demanding on system as operator is on LC #logmod
- CG-4: IT (info tech) is going to be biggest rock in PLM's pack. Biggest thing we can do is help define reqts.#logmod
- CG-4: knowing cost structure and work structure is critical for product line. Must know cost per x metrics#logmod
- SFLC concerns from breakout: supporting deployed assets, supporting NTNO. #logmod
- Heard clearly that robust warranty tracking process must be supported by new logistics system.#logmod
- Heard loud and clear from every LC/SC that CG-LIMS must be system that is robust to limited connectivity.#logmod

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Next week, CDR Taylor will share an update on the CG-LIMS project.



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Last Modified 6/27/2009