
Web Journal of Admiral Thad Allen

Monday, May 18, 2009

CG Foundation Golf Tournament

Golf Day CG Foundation
Originally uploaded by uscgpress
Today I took some time out and thanked the many folks who participated in the Annual Coast Guard Foundation Golf Tournament. This annual event raises funds for scholarships for Coast Guard dependents. RADM (ret) Ed Gilbert has worked tirelessly to make this event a success, year after year. Yes, he is the "Gilbert" of the Gilbert I and II studies. But ... his real love in life is golf. He has tried for years to convert a particular former middle linebacker to an accomplished golfer and has failed miserably (plus I'm left handed). Luckily for the Coast Guard, his efforts to raise funds for education have been extraordinarily successful. So, I ventured out to the links at the Army Navy Country Club in Fairfax, Va and they even let me drive the cart (shown in photo). The weather was terrific. Our great thanks to CAPT Williams USCG (ret) and his family for their support. Also, we thank Anne Brengle and Patti Gross from the Coast Guard Foundation. Bob Petko put in a great effort as well. I will ask Ed Gilbert to make a comment or guest post to recognize anyone I may have forgotten.

BZ to all who were involved.



Blogger Commandant said...

I received these comments from RADM Ed Gilbert.

Thanks Admiral.

It was a great day at Army Navy Country Club. More than 15 years ago, we started the tournament with a few objectives; have a class event, have fun, and do something useful. Our success over the years has required lots of hard work by a great committee, the Coast Foundation?s wonderful staff, exceptionally effective support by the Army Navy Country Club and enthusiastic participation from hundreds of players?144 today alone. Commandants starting with Admiral Kramek have been a key part of our success.

Our underpinning is a great cause?scholarship funds for dependents of Coast Guard enlisted personnel, and we?ve raised more than a million dollars for them. Providing educational opportunities for our young people is a pleasure shared by all who participate and help. Each of us has a story about how education made us what we are; in my case it was growing from a 17-year old in the backwoods of Georgia with $5 left after paying my entry fee at the Coast Guard Academy to a highly rewarding career.

As for the former linebacker, I can attest to his lack of golfing prowess and my culpability in it. When LCDR Allen reported to work for me long ago at the start of what was to become Gilbert I, he was reminded there was room for but one golfing nut billet on the staff, and I was in it. Now, who among us could avoid being motivated by his infectious enthusiasm and nationally recognized great leadership?

I?ll close with thanks again, and a plea. College scholarships are wonderful, but vocational training is equally important and available via our work, but there are far too few applicants. Please apply. Admiral Allen often pays tribute to his father who was a career enlisted person in the Coast Guard. My father was a farmer, and my mother worked in a textile mill; my wife?s parents ran a plumbing business. All did noble work, and vocational training can help you do the same. Organizations are like trees. What we see is totally defined by what we don?t see?the roots. The roots or our Coast Guard and country are in our working people?training for you and education for all will make us better; please apply if you need help. For everybody else, thanks and keep on giving. Get ready for next year

Best Ed Gilbert RADM USCG, retired.

May 19, 2009 7:05 AM  
Blogger Al said...

That explains the problem when the wardroom on the Gallatin went golfing. You were standing on the wrong side of the ball. Oh well, Master Chief Fortner could never teach me to golf either.

Al Campolongo

May 19, 2009 11:23 AM  

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