
Web Journal of Admiral Thad Allen

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Updated -- Budget Hearing Summary

A video from the hearing is now available, as well as opening statements from Chairman Oberstar and Chairman Cummings.


For those not on Twitter, here is the collection of tweets from our hearing today. Written testimony is available on Commandant's Corner. You are also strongly encouraged to review the online Posture Statement for detailed information on the Coast Guard's performance and budget request.

NOTE: These are in reverse chronology

#CoastGuard Rep. Coble: would reauth of PPV be an important first step for impoving qual of life? MCPOCG: affirmative

#CoastGuard Rep. Lobiondo: Need to know what we can fix this year to improve member/family support parity with DOD. USCG will provide.

#CoastGuard the way to control costs in acquisition is through 1. Open competiton, 2. Fixed price 3. Remove risk from govt.

#CoastGuard Floor-level funding for shore-infrastructure ought to be $100mil annually. Rcvd shore AC&I funds in ARRA and $270+ mil in CSDACAA funding.

#CoastGuard PPV potential for housing program is more about authorization than appropriation.

#CoastGuard MCPOCG talking about CG housing problems and potential of PPV program as a solutions

#CoastGuard Critical to controlling NSC costs is to not allow a break in the production line between hulls 4 & 5

#CoastGuard Rep Fazio concerned about MMC medical backlog. Comdt: Fix is in place and backlog being reduced. NMC will benefit Merchant Marine in long run.

#CoastGuard NSC Project costs are under control. NSC #4 and beyond will be fixed-price contracts, signif reduce cost variability and risk.

#CoastGuard good discussion on security requirements and LNG facilities and vessels and who bares that cost? Mandated CG security erodes op flexibility.

#CoastGuard Congess concerned with CG's $1Bill shore infrastructure backlog.

#CoastGuard Marine Transportation System is lifeblood of our national economy. Carries 78% of intl trade and activity trends on increase.

#CoastGuard FY10 Funding request will provide an additional 74 marine safety positions.

#CoastGuard Met yesterday with MARAD, TRANSCOM, 5th Fleet & US shippers yest to discuss new MSD for operating off HOA.

#CoastGuard Signing of Arctic NSPD sets interagency policy. National efforts would be enhanced with UNCLOS ratification. http://ow.ly6Es9

#CoastGuard We can no longer do more with less. Instead we will allocate our resources to buy down risk in the most vulnerable areas.

#CoastGuard Modernization remains Job #1

#CoastGuard Written statement available

#Coast Guard Subject matter for today's hearing available online You may be able to watch live from this site at 2 p.m.


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Last Modified 6/27/2009