USGS - science for a changing world

Remote Sensing Phenology

Acquiring Remote Sensing Phenology Data from USGS/EROS
Historical remote sensing phenology (RSP) image data and graphics for the conterminous U.S. are made freely available from the USGS/EROS Center through this table. Click on the drop down list to the right of the icon for image data (top) or graphics (bottom) and select the year for the RSP data set or graphic. Metadata, providing processing details, are bundled with the image data.
RSP Data Set Acronym Phenological Interpretation Description
Start of Season – Time
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SOST Beginning of measurable photosynthesis in the vegetation canopy Day of year identified as having a consistent upward trend in time series NDVI
Start of Season –NDVI
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SOSN Level of photosynthetic activity at the beginning of measurable photosynthesis NDVI value (or baseline) identified at the day of year identified as a consistent upward trend in time series NDVI
End of Season –Time
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EOST End of measurable photosynthesis in the vegetation canopy Day of year identified at the end of a consistent downward trend in time series NDVI
End of Season –NDVI
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EOSN Level of photosynthetic activity at the end of measurable photosynthesis NDVI value corresponding with the day of year identified at the end of a consistent downward trend in time series NDVI
Time of Maximum
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MAXT Time of maximum photosynthesis in the canopy Day of year corresponding to the maximum NDVI in an annual time series
Maximum NDVI
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MAXN Maximum level of photosynthetic activity in the canopy Maximum NDVI in an annual time series
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DUR Length of photosynthetic activity (the growing season) Number of days from the SOST to the EOST
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AMP Maximum increase in canopy photosynthetic activity above the baseline Difference between MAXN and SOSN
Time Integrated NDVI
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TIN Canopy photosynthetic activity across the entire growing season Daily (interpolated) integration of NDVI above the baseline for the entire duration of the growing season

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Page Last Modified: August 19, 2009