
Product Description

AIRS Standard Cloud Product

The AIRS instrument operationally produces three cloud products related to climate: Fractional Cloud Cover, Cloud Top Pressure, and Cloud Top Temperature. Current research efforts are underway using AIRS data to determine the phase of clouds (liquid, ice, or both), the cloud particle sizes and shapes, and other properties that will help to answer the question about the relevance of clouds to Earth's climate.

Fractional Cloud Cover

This quantity represents the fraction of clouds in a 45 x 45 km area. It is produced as part of the AIRS "cloud-clearing" algorithm in order to produce the Cloud Cleared Infrared Radiances product.

Cloud Top Pressure

Reported on the AMSU FOV (45 x 45 km) for up to two cloud layers.

Cloud Top Temperature

Reported on the AMSU FOV (45 x 45 km) for up to two cloud layers.

Cloud Top Height

Although not directly reported by AIRS, cloud top height can be calculated from cloud top pressure and the atmospheric temperature profile.

Data Source

Available in L2 and L3 data product sets.

Image Examples

Cloud Multimedia web page

More Information

For more detail about AIRS geophysical products, refer to the AIRS Version 5 Release Level 2 Standard Product QuickStart Guide.

Additional information is also found on the AIRS Documentation Page on the data distribution web site at the Goddard DAAC.