USAID Director Alex Newton
Message from the Director

Welcome to the USAID/Mali website. Since 1961 when USAID started its first program in Mali, the Mission has been working collaboratively with the Government of Mali to help improve the lives of Malians. R
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Food Security Updates

Due to the food security crisis facing much of West Africa, USAID/Mali issues bi-weekly updates on the situation in Mali:

September 1,2008
pdf (191kb)
July 25, 2008
pdf (192kb)
July 7, 2008
pdf (196kb)
June 6, 2008
pdf (188kb)
May 23, 2008
pdf (190kb)

Mali Food Security Outlook, 2008
pdf (622kb)

New Initiatives:

Malaria Prevention with Mosquito Nets
Malaria Prevention with Mosquito Nets




Project Spotlight:

Growth of Community Radio in Mali


President’s Malaria Initiative
The President's Malaria Initiative is a five-year, $1.2 billion effort designed to reduce malaria-related deaths by 50 percent in 15 countries by achieving 85 percent coverage of proven preventive and curative interventions.

Initiative includes:  scale up interventions for prevention and treatment, including expanded access to accepted drugs and combination therapies, insecticide-treated nets and indoor residual spraying, as well as preventive treatment of pregnant women

A minimum of 50 percent of funding to be devoted to purchase and distribution of life-saving commodities.

The Goal is to benefit a total of 175 million people.

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Bridging the Communications Gap in Northern Mali

One of the many dreams of the communities of Bourem Inaly, Lerneb and Almoustarat came true this June. USAID and its partner Africare inaugurated three new radio stations in these communities, opening the door to new means of sending and receiving information, thus bridging the communications gap between people of these communities. USAID and Africare decided to create 14 new FM radio stations in northern Mali because this region is remote, prone to conflict, and suffers from extreme poverty and scarcity of natural resources. The 14 selected communities are provided with comprehensive community radio “packages”, including FM radio transmitters, 2-way communication radio transceivers, WorldSpace satellite receivers, televisions, satellite dishes and VCRs.
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Last updated: Monday, October 20, 2008