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Monticello Field Office
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Monticello Field Office

In the Spotlight

• Monticello Field Office Releases Record of Decision and Approved Resource Management Plan

• Climbing Area Closures in Indian Creek
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has documented a pair of nesting Peregrine Falcons and a pair of Golden Eagles in the Reservoir Wall and Cat Wall climbing areas. These raptors are protected by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the BLM is required to protect these raptors from activities that may cause stress and/or nest abandonment. Therefore, the entire portion of Reservoir Wall, Slug Wall, and Cat Wall climbing areas (no rock climbing allowed), as well as the access road into the area will be closed until August 31, 2009. Closure signs have been placed in the area and all the kiosks along Indian Creek. Thank you for your help in protecting our natural resources. If you have any questions, please contact Tammy Wallace, Wildlife Biologist for the BLM Monticello Field Office at 435-587-1527.

• Three Kiva Pueblo Closed Temporarily
The Three Kiva Puelbo is unstable and unsafe.  It has been temporarily closed to public visitation due to concerns for public safety.

 2009 Season San Juan River Applications Now Available

Daneros Mine Project Decision Record signed on 05/26/09 approving the Plan of Operations with conditions.  Details can be found on the Utah BLM Environmental Notification Bulletin Board (ENBB) at: Click here to view Environmental Assessment and supporting documents.


Monticello Field Office Map
Larger Map

The Monticello Field Office is located in the southeast corner of Utah and is part of the Colorado Plateau region. Dominating the landscape near Monticello are the Abajo Mountains, BLM land surrounds this huge monolith.

South of the Abajos is the Comb Ridge Monocline, a major crustal uplift about 80 miles in length. Nearby this major uplift is Grand Gulch, which cuts a serpentine swath through Cedar Mesa.

The Anasazi Indians left a legacy that includes hundreds of cliff dwellings and thousands of pictographs and petroglyphs. Muley Point Overlook sits on a high rim of Cedar Mesa and offers panoramic sweep across Monument Valley and the San Juan River country far below.

Monticello Field Office
365 North Main Street
Monticello, Utah  84535
(435) 587-1500