Texas Straight Talk

A weekly column

August 24, 2009: We Need Sunlight to Disinfect the Legislative Process!

During August recess, many legislators have heard an unexpected amount of discontent from their constituents about what is happening on Capitol Hill, particularly regarding healthcare.  Some people are justifiably terrified at what the government could do to healthcare, should it get its claws even further into it.  Others demand a public option for health insurance and are adamant that healthcare be treated as yet another absolute entitlement.  One thing everyone agrees on is that the final bill needs to be read and understood by all legislators before a vote is taken.  To any American, this is common sense.  In …Continue reading »

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Speeches and Statements

July 21, 2009  Statement at Financial Services Committee Hearing
The Federal Reserve in collaboration with the giant banks has created the greatest financial crisis the world has ever seen.  The foolish notion that unlimited amounts of money and credit, created out of thin air, can provide sustained economic growth has delivered this crisis to us.  Instead of economic growth and stable prices it has given us a system of government and finance that now threatens the world financial and political institutions.

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Press Releases

July 15, 2009  Unanimous GOP Support for Paul's Bill
Washington, D.C. - Congressman Ron Paul (TX-14) is pleased to announce that all 178 Republican members of the House have now signed on as cosponsors of his Federal Reserve Transparency Act, HR 1207. 

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July 16, 2009 - On Consumer Protections and the Fed

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