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Rep. Mica, the Republican Leader on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, gave the keynote address at the 12th Annual Transportation & Infrastructure Luncheon in Irving, Texas. In his speech entitled “Confusion Reigns for Nation’s Transportation & Stimulus Projects”, the Congressman touched on the failure of the stimulus to create the jobs promised by the Administration, priorities for reauthorizing the federal surface transportation law set to expire next month, the need to replace the increasingly obsolete federal gasoline tax as the primary source of revenue for the Highway Trust Fund and burdensome delays and red tape in the transportation project approval process.

Congressman Mica addressed the Florida Transportation Builders Association. In his speech, he touched on the reauthorizing the federal surface transportation law which funds transportation and infrastructure projects nationwide for the next six years, the future of the federal gasoline tax, the primary source of revenue for the Highway Trust Fund, delays and red tape in the transportation project approval process and the failure of the stimulus to create the jobs promised by the Administration.

Rep. Mica participated in a Daytona Beach Chamber of Commerce luncheon and discussed federal issues including health care, transportation and economic development

Congressman Mica, along with Former Sanford Mayor Brady Lessard and others, visited a City of Sanford gasification plant that converts sewage sludge into an environmental friendly byproduct

Putnam County Chairwoman Nancy Harris, Palatka Mayor Karl Flagg, Putnam Chamber of Commerce President Wes Larson  and other representatives from Putnam County met with Congressman Mica regarding economic development in the County and the placement of a new Veterans Administration Clinic in the community
(Photo) (Information regarding Putnam County VA Clinic)

Rep. Mica met with representatives from Flagler County and Stewart-Marchman-Act Foundation to discuss the soon to open Vince Carter Sanctuary chemical dependence treatment center.
(Information regarding Stewart-Marchman)

Congressman Mica visited the Daytona Arts and Sciences Museum to examine storm damage from the May 2009 flooding.

Boys and Girls Club representatives met with Congressman Mica to update him on past, present and future community activities

Rep. Mica met with Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer to discuss SunRail and other local intermodal transportation projects


As the Ranking Member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Rep. Mica met with principals in the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to discuss the FAA Reauthorization bill. It has been 2 years since the last reauthorization.  The FAA Reauthorization bill (H.R. 915) does include important provisions to address air traffic control modernization, critical safety staffing, airline safety, and passenger rights.  However, several controversial and costly provisions were included despite Minority efforts to reach a compromise with the Majority.   "I look forward to working with my colleagues in both the House and the Senate to address our concerns, improve the FAA Reauthorization bill, and get a bill to the President for signature," stated Rep. Mica.

The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee recently approved legislation to implement a reorganization of the service, and to improve the Coast Guard's marine safety program. Ranking Member Mica, expects the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to move legislation to authorize Coast Guard programs for fiscal year 2011, and make changes to maritime transportation laws. Earlier this year, the House passed legislation to update Coast Guard's acquisition program to allow the service to complete a 25 year recapitalization of their ships, planes and communication assets

Congressman Mica spoke on the House of Representatives Floor regarding the Democrat Health Care proposal

Rep. Mica addressed the House concerning the slow release of the 2009 stimulus funds

Congressman Mica participated in a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new terminal at the Palatka/ Kay Larkin Municipal Airport.

Rep. Mica was interviewed by the Associated Press regarding the stimulus and red tape obstacles for infrastructure funding.

Joined by Chairman Oberstar and Reps. Costello and Petri, Congressman Mica conducted a press conference to introduce the Airline Safety bill.
(Press) (Press)

Congressman Mica was presented with the Defender of Economic Freedom Award by the Club for Growth.

Rep. Mica met with Amtrak President Joe Boardman regarding Amtrak's role in providing high-speed rail service.

Congressman Mica participated in an Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing regarding the merging of Bank of America and Merrill Lynch.

Rep. Mica spoke to the Chamber of Commerce Transportation Fly-In participants regarding the Surface Transportation Reauthorization bill. This six year reauthorization funds major transportation projects nationwide and would replace the current authorization in place due to expire September 30, 2009.

Congressman Mica spoke to the Propeller Club of Washington, DC on the topic of maritime industry lobbyists and union groups.

Rep. Mica was interviewed on "Fox and Friends" regarding infrastructure stimulus spending.

Congressman Mica participated in a Postal Service and District of Columbia Subcommittee hearing regarding the Washington, DC Metro Rail accident and continual funding challenges.

Rep. Mica unscrolled a list of more than 4,000 signatures, nearly 80 ft. in length on the steps of the Capitol. The signatures were from those who participated in the Orlando Tea Party.

Congressman Mica offered an ammendment to the Agriculture Appropriations bill that would have expedited payment dispersal of crop program relief funds to growers in the district who suffered losses during the floods this past May.

Rep. Mica met with the Undersecretary of the USDA, Jim Miller, to discuss crop damage caused by the floods in May and expediting relief to effected growers.

Joined by former Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert and other Members of Congress, Rep. Mica participated in a Press Conference regarding the reestablishment of the House Drug Task Force in response to the Administration's recent policy changes.


Congressman Mica observed the "Field Day" training mock-up in Seminole County. The training is designed to demonstrate how radio operators would conduct their operations during emergencies such as a hurricane.

Rep. Mica participated in the commencement of a new van service for the veterans of Sanford and north Seminole County. Representatives from Seminole County veterans’ organizations and LYNX joined Congressman Mica, Mayor Linda Kuhn and Seminole County Commissioner Brenda Carey in kicking off this new service for veterans seeking medical care at the facility located at 2583 South Volusia Avenue, Orange City.

Congressman Mica met with local leaders to discuss the proposed visitors center at the Castillo de San Marcos and the upcoming 450th anniversary celebration for the city of St. Augustine.

Rep. Mica attended the opening ceremony for the Palm Coast Carribean Festival.

Congressman Mica was interviewed by FOX News regarding the nations tranportation and infrastructure options.

Rep. Mica met with Puerto Rican Governor Luis Fortuno.

Congressman Mica met with fellow Representatives, Oberstar and DeFazio regarding the Surface Transportation Authorization Act.

Congressman Mica met with Representatives of the Univeristy of Florida's Student Government.

Congressman Mica presented a Congressional Gold Medal to Drake Gordon of Flagler Beach.

Congressman Mica met with theUniversity of Florida's Dean of Education, Catherine Emihovich regarding the University's College of Education.

Rep. Mica and other Members of Congress met with Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi.

Rep. Mica participated in a roundtable discussion regarding the FAA and cybersecurity.

Rep. Mica had breakfast with the Halifax Chamber of Commerce, where he was presented with the U.S. Chamber "Spirit of Enterprise" award.

Congressman Mica met with Peter Appel, who was confirmed as the new Administrator for the Research and Innovative Technology Administration for the Department of Transportation.

Rep. Mica met with Florida Department of Transportation Secretary, Stephanie Kopelousos regarding transit projects in the state and the future of SunRail.

Rep. Mica attended the dedication of the statue of President Reagan in the Capitol.

Congressman Mica spoke to the Intelligent Transportation Systems America at their annual meeting in Washington DC about his goals for the Surface Transportation Reauthorization and technology implementation into the transportation industry.

Rep. Mica attended a briefing in New Orleans from FEMA regarding the area's recovery from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

While considering a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) bill, the U.S. House of Representatives agreed to an amendment by Rep. Mica and others to streamline and improve their rulemaking process at TSA.” This Amendment will help improve safety for the traveling public.

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