Welcome / Bienvenido

Congressional Page Application Deadline Extended:

Monday, July 13, 2009 

Find Out More and Apply!




Legislative Update:

Gutierrez Cracking Down on Abusive Payday Lenders

Welcome to the website of the Fourth District of Illinois!

Through this website, my staff and I are committed to providing you with the most comprehensive information available, ranging from children's educational opportunities, to increasing community safety, fighting crime, protecting seniors and bettering the environment.

Here, you can also access the vast number of constituent services that my office provides, whether you need assistance with your Social Security, Medicare, college loans, immigration services for a loved-one or cutting through red tape at the IRS or Department of Veterans Affairs. We are here to help you.

I hope you will find this website — your website — helpful, but just as important as the information you can obtain here is the information that you can give me. I urge you to send me your views, your concerns and your ideas to make our community a better, safer place for our families to grow. Please email me directly from the homepage or call my offices.

It is an honor to serve you, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your visit!