Executive Board
Board Discussions
on Liberia:

March 14, 2008
February 1, 2008
September 14, 2007
February 7, 2007
October 2, 2006

Projected % Change
   2008  2009
Real GDP 8.628 14.317
Consumer Prices 19.235 11.368
Source: World Economic Outlook (October 2008)
Please refer to more recent PIN/Staff reports on this country for possible revisions.

Liberia: Financial Position in the Fund

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General Data Dissemination System

Transactions with the Fund

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Liberia and the IMF
Updated November 4, 2008

The last Article IV Executive Board Consultation was on April 26, 2006. Listed below are items related to Liberia, in reverse chronological order (you can also view items by category).

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November 04, 2008 -- New Press Release: Statement at the Conclusion of an IMF Staff Mission to Liberia
October 11, 2008 -- IMFC Statement by the Honorable Tito Mboweni, Governor, South African Reserve Bank
On behalf of: Angola, Burundi, Botswana, The State of Eritrea, The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, The Gambia, Kenya, Liberia, Lesotho, Republic of Mozambique, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Kingdom of Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa, Zambia. PDF File Size: 278Kb
October 10, 2008 -- Transcript of the African Regional Economic Outlook Press Briefing
Transcript of the African Regional Economic Outlook Press Briefing
August 22, 2008 -- Liberia: Joint Staff Advisory Note of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
Series: Country Report No. 08/289
July 07, 2008 -- Liberia: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
Series: Country Report No. 08/219
May 02, 2008 -- Press Release: Statement at the Conclusion of an IMF Staff Mission to Liberia
April 12, 2008 -- IMFC Statement by the Honourable Tito Mboweni, Governor, South African Reserve Bank
On behalf of: Burundi, Botswana, The State of Eritrea, The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, The Gambia, Kenya, Liberia, Lesotho, Republic of Mozambique, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Kingdom of Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa, Zambia. PDF File Size: 188Kb
March 24, 2008 -- Liberia: Fourth Review of Performance Under the Staff - Monitored Program and Request for Three - Year Arrangement Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility and the Extended Fund Facility - Staff Report; Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion
Series: Country Report No. 08/108
March 21, 2008 -- Evaluation of the U.K. DFID-Financed Technical Assistance GDDS Project for Selected Anglophone African Countries (2001-06)
Subject: Andorra | Botswana | Eritrea | Ethiopia | Ghana | Kenya | Lesotho | Liberia | Malawi | Namibia | Nigeria | Sierra Leone | Sudan | Swaziland | Zambia | Zimbabwe | Technical assistance programs | General Data Dissemination System
March 20, 2008 -- Liberia: Enhanced Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries - Decision Point Document, Debt Sustainability Analysis, and Staff Supplement
Series: Country Report No. 08/106
March 18, 2008 -- Press Release: IMF and World Bank Support Liberia's Decision Point Under the Enhanced HIPC Initiative
March 18, 2008 -- Transcript of a Press Conference Call by John Lipsky, First Deputy Managing Director of the IMF on Liberia
March 14, 2008 -- Press Release: IMF Executive Board Fully Restores Liberia's IMF Status, Approves Financial Support Amounting to US$952 Million and HIPC Decision Point Designation
February 27, 2008 -- Liberia -- Staff-Monitored Program: Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, Technical Memorandum of Understnading, February 27, 2008
PDF File Size: 256Kb
February 04, 2008 -- Press Release: IMF, World Bank Agree Liberia Eligible for HIPC Assistance
February 01, 2008 -- Liberia: Enhanced Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries - Preliminary Document
Series: Country Report No. 08/53
January 24, 2008 -- Press Release: Statement at the Conclusion of an IMF Staff Mission to Liberia
December 31, 2007 -- IMF Survey:
Rising Energy Costs, Liberia to get debt relief, Climate Change, World Economic Outlook, European Economic Outlook, Latin American Economic Outlook, Mideast-Central Asia Economic Outlook, Technical Assistance, Research Conference, Mundell-Flemming Lecture, German fiscal policy, News Briefs. PDF File Size: 455Kb
November 14, 2007 -- An Open Letter to Civil Society Organizations on the Fund's Debt Relief for Liberia
November 12, 2007 -- Press Release: IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn Announces Financing Milestone on Debt Relief for Liberia

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