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The following audio clips highlight research efforts at the National Institute on Drug Abuse and include interviews with prominent NIDA scientists.

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All of these clips are free from copyright and can be used for broadcast or other use with acknowledgement of the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

NIH Radio News

Podcast Foster Program Reduces Delinquency and Improves School Work for Girls
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7/25/08 - Parental abuse during childhood increases the risk of involvement with the juvenile justice system, according to a study funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Podcast Researchers Identify Brain Mechanism Underlying Cocaine Cravings
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7/3/08 - Scientists have identified a mechanism in the brain that helps to explain why craving for cocaine, and the risk of relapse, seems to increase in the weeks and months after drug use has stopped. It has to do with cues.

Podcast High Schooler Wins First-ever NIDA Scholastic Addiction Science Award
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6/6/08 - A Texas high school senior has won the first-ever National Institute of Drug Abuse Scholastic Addiction Science Award.  The student, Kapil Ramachandran, received top honors in the new Addiction Science category at the Intel International Science and Engineer Fair, the world’s largest science competition for high school students.  The young winning scientist determined that when a specific protein is deleted in fruit flies, the flies may lose their tolerance to alcohol.  Dr. Nora Volkow, the Director of NIDA, discusses the possible impact that this fair may have on high school students.

Podcast Genes Linked to Nicotine Addiction and Lung Cancer
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4/18/08 - Scientists have identified a genetic variant that not only makes smokers more prone to nicotine addiction but also increases their risk of developing lung cancer and arterial disease.

Podcast MRIs Can Find Signals that Trigger Drug Cravings
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2/22/08 - MRIs can find subconscious signals that trigger drug cravings according to a study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.  Using a functional MRI, scientists have discovered that cocaine-related images trigger the emotional centers of the brains of patients addicted to drugs, even when the subjects are unaware they’ve seen anything.  Dr. Steven Grant, NIDA’s Chief of the Neuroscience Branch in the division of Clinical Neuroscience and Behavioral Research, said cues outside one’s awareness can trigger rapid activation of the circuits driving drug-seeking behavior.

Podcast Decline in Smoking and Illicit Drug Use Among Eighth Graders
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Length: 3:16
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12/13/07 - Eighth graders are smoking less, and using illicit drugs less, this according to a new national survey. Dr. Nora Volkow, Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse explains the importance of the survey results.

Podcast Drug Impaired Driving by Youth Remains To be a Problem
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11/23/07 - It’s a frightening statistic.  Nearly a third of all high school seniors have driven while “under the influence” or have been in a car with an impaired driver according to a study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.  In 2006, 30 percent of high school seniors reported driving after drinking heavily or using drugs, or riding in a car in which the driver had been doing either, at least once in the prior two weeks.  Dr. Timothy Condon, Deputy Director of NIDA, discusses the findings.

Podcast NIDA Launches Study About Treating Addiction to Prescr. Pain Killers
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3/30/07 - In response to the growing national problem of prescription drug abuse, the National Institute on Drug Abuse has launched a national study evaluating a treatment for addiction to painkillers.   Dr. Nora Volkow, NIDA’s Director, discussed the problem.

Podcast NIDA Unveils Publication to Explain the Science of Addiction
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2/23/07 - The National Institute on Drug Abuse has unveiled its first consumer publication dedicated to explaining the science of addiction.  The 30 page full color booklet, “Drugs, Brains, and Behavior:  The Science of Addiction”, explains in layman’s terms how science has revolutionized the understanding of drug addiction as a brain disease that affects behavior.  Dr. Timothy Condon, NIDA’s Deputy Director, said this new publication will help reduce the stigma attached to addictive disorders.

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