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Alabama: State Safety Data Quality (SSDQ) Historical Report
Updated Results: September 26, 2008
The SSDQ Historical report provides a historical review of a State's performance over multiple SSDQ runs. It displays the most current quarter's SSDQ results followed by the last four quarterly SSDQ runs. For detailed information on the State Overall Rating, each measure, and indicator, select "View Methodology" to access the methodology information.

Note: Although factored into the Overall State Rating, no historical report is available for the two new measures that were added to the evaluation reports in the September 2007 update.

State Rating
| Fatal Crash
| Crash
| Inspection
| Crash
| Inspection
| Crash

SSDQ Overall State Rating  
   Considers all seven SSDQ measures and the Overriding Indicator, except measures with a rating of "Insufficient Data." States receive an overall score based on ratings in each of the measures and the Overriding Indicator. (View Methodology)
Overall State Rating History
Run Date
Overall State Rating Measures Overriding Indicator *
Completeness Timeliness Accuracy
Fatal Crashes Crash Insp Crash Insp Consistency
9/26/2008 Fair Rating Good Rating Good Rating Good Rating Fair Rating Good Rating No Flag
6/20/2008 Fair Rating Good Rating Good Rating Good Rating Fair Rating Good Rating No Flag
3/28/2008 Fair Rating Good Rating Good Rating Good Rating Good Rating Good Rating No Flag
12/21/2007 Fair Rating Good Rating Good Rating Good Rating Good Rating Good Rating No Flag
9/21/2007 Fair Rating Good Rating Good Rating Good Rating Fair Rating Good Rating No Flag
Overall State Rating Description
Good Good Rating Minimum of 1 Good AND 0 Poor
Fair Fair Rating Maximum of 1 Poor
Poor Poor Rating 2+ Poor OR Red Flagged
* States that are red flagged are automatically rated POOR overall.

Fatal Crash Completeness Measure: Percentage of Fatal Crash Records  
   Determines a rating based on a comparison of the number of State-reported fatal crash records in MCMIS to the number of fatal crash records reported in FARS.. (View Methodology)
Fatal Crash Completeness Measure History
Run Date
Rating Fatal
Fatal Crash Records
a % of FARS
9/26/2008 Good Rating 2007 127 115 91%
6/20/2008 Good Rating 2006 126 130 103%
3/28/2008 Good Rating 2006 126 130 103%
12/21/2007 Good Rating 2006 126 130 103%
9/21/2007 Good Rating 2006 126 130 103%
Rating Description
Good Good Rating   >= 90% Fair Fair Rating   80 - 89% Poor Poor Rating   < 80%
Insufficient Data Insufficent Data State has < 15 FARS records AND MCMIS as a % of FARS is < 80%

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Crash Timeliness Measure: Percentage of Crash Records Reported within 90 Days  
   Determines a rating based on the percentage of crash records reported to FMCSA within 90 days over a 12-month period. (View Methodology)
Crash Timeliness Measure History
Run Date
Rating # Records # Records Reported
w/in 90 Days
% Records Reported
w/in 90 Days
9/26/2008 Good Rating 2,767 2,647 96%
6/20/2008 Good Rating 2,889 2,760 96%
3/28/2008 Good Rating 3,014 2,848 94%
12/21/2007 Good Rating 2,984 2,657 89%
9/21/2007 Good Rating 3,035 2,623 86%
Rating Description
Good Good Rating   >= 85% Fair Fair Rating   60 - 84% Poor Poor Rating   < 60%
Insufficient Data Insufficent Data State has < 15 records in reported current timeframe and < 60% of crash records reported within 90 days

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Inspection Timeliness Measure: Percentage of Inspection Records Reported within 21 Days  
   Determines a rating based on the percentage of inspection records reported to FMCSA within 21 days over a 12-month period. (View Methodology)
Inspection Timeliness Measure History
Run Date
Rating # Records # Records
Reported w/in 21 Days
% Records
Reported w/in 21 Days
9/26/2008 Good Rating 31,160 29,281 94%
6/20/2008 Good Rating 31,256 29,233 94%
3/28/2008 Good Rating 32,527 30,062 92%
12/21/2007 Good Rating 33,649 30,804 92%
9/21/2007 Good Rating 37,258 32,689 88%
Rating Description
Good Good Rating   >= 85% Fair Fair Rating   60 - 84% Poor Poor Rating   < 60%

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Crash Accuracy Measure: Percentage of Matched Crash Records  
   Determines a rating based on the percentage of crash records reported by the State over a 12-month period that were matched to a company registered in MCMIS. (View Methodology)
Crash Accuracy Measure History
Run Date
Rating # Interstate & HM Intrastate
Crash Records
# Matched
% Matched
9/26/2008 Fair Rating 2,213 1,993 90%
6/20/2008 Fair Rating 2,237 2,094 94%
3/28/2008 Good Rating 2,331 2,215 95%
12/21/2007 Good Rating 2,330 2,209 95%
9/21/2007 Fair Rating 2,404 2,264 94%
Rating Description
Good Good Rating   >= 95% Fair Fair Rating   85 - 94% Poor Poor Rating   < 85%
Insufficient Data Insufficent Data State has < 15 records reported in current timeframe AND <85% crash records matched

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Inspection Accuracy Measure: Percentage of Matched Inspection Records  
   Determines a rating based on the percentage of inspection records reported by the States over a 12-month period that were matched to a company registered in MCMIS. (View Methodology)
Inspection Accuracy Measure History
Run Date
Rating # Interstate & HM Intrastate
Inspection Records
# Matched
% Matched
9/26/2008 Good Rating 24,635 24,425 99%
6/20/2008 Good Rating 24,311 24,043 99%
3/28/2008 Good Rating 25,030 24,680 99%
12/21/2007 Good Rating 25,748 25,329 98%
9/21/2007 Good Rating 29,028 28,367 98%
Rating Description
Good Good Rating   >= 95% Fair Fair Rating   85 - 94% Poor Poor Rating   < 85%

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Crash Consistency Overriding Indicator: Percentage of State-Reported Non-Fatal Crash Records  
   Indicates States that have reported less than 50% of non-fatal crash records for the current 12-month period compared to the yearly average, based on the previous 36-months. (View Methodology)
Crash Consistency Overriding Indicator History
Run Date
Rating Avg # Records
Over Last 3 Years
Total # Records
for Current Period
% Reported
for Current Period
9/26/2008 No Flag 3,502 2,659 76%
6/20/2008 No Flag 3,607 2,772 77%
3/28/2008 No Flag 3,638 2,895 80%
12/21/2007 No Flag 3,663 2,868 78%
9/21/2007 No Flag 3,682 2,914 79%
Rating Description
No Flag   >= 50% Red Flag Red Flag   < 50%
Insufficient Data Insufficent Data State has < 15 records reported in current timeframe AND State has < 15 records reported in previous 3 year average AND <= 50% Estimate reported

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