Information Quality Guidelines

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These Guidelines assess information quality using three factors: utility, objectivity, and integrity. These elements are intended to ensure that information the Department disseminates is useful, accurate, reliable, unbiased, and secure. Department staff will treat information quality as integral to the creation, collection, maintenance, and dissemination of information, and will review products before they are disseminated to ensure that they are consistent with these Guidelines. In particular, information products from the Department will follow the Guide to Publishing at the US Department of Education, and all clearance submissions under the Paperwork Reduction Act will explain how the proposed collection of information will yield high quality, objective, and useful data, consistent with OMB's guidelines. Furthermore, the Guidelines provide that the level of quality assurance for information must be tied to its level of importance. Influential Information, that is information that will or does have a clear and substantial impact on public policies or private sector decisions, must meet a higher level of quality as described on page 9 of these Guidelines.

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Last Modified: 10/17/2005