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FHWA Logo Tolling and Pricing Opportunities
United States Department of Transportation
Federal Transit Administration
FHWA Logo Innovative Finance
PPP Toolkit for Highways
SEP 15
Private Activity Bonds
Federal Register Notices

 Featured Resources

Current Toll Road Activity in the U.S.: A Survey and Analysis UPDATED JANUARY 2009
bullet Public Policy Considerations in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Arrangements NEW PDF 500 kb
bullet Performance of PPPs and Traditional Procurement in Australia NEW
bullet Innovation Wave: An Update on the Burgeoning Private Sector Role in U.S. Highway and Transit Infrastructure  NEW
bullet FHWA and FTA Reports to Congress
bullet Protecting the Public Interest: The Role of Long-Term concession Agreements for Providing Transportation Infrastructure
bullet User Guidebook and Domestic and International Case Studies for Transportation Public-Private Partnerships
FHWA Manual for Using PPPs on Highway Projects
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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration