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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) into law on February 17, 2009. Since that time, everyone at the Federal Highway Administration can be proud of the progress made so far. Nearly two-thirds of the $26.6 billion in Recovery Act funding available to the States for highway investment has been obligated, thousands of projects have gotten underway and Americans across the country have more opportunities to get back to work.

As the new Administrator, I am eager to keep the agency focused on this critical priority and to maintain the strong pace. In so doing, we will help reinvigorate the nation's critical infrastructure, to strengthen the economy, and to improve mobility for our fellow citizens.

The FHWA continues to meet the President's challenge to ensure transparency and accountability for Recovery Act funds. Data on our progress is updated each day here on the Web site, and detailed reports are provided through the White House's Web site. In addition, a Recovery Act risk management plan is in place to guide our oversight of these funds and to ensure they are being spent appropriately.

This Web site contains comprehensive information on our Recovery Act efforts, including funding distributions and requirements, answers to frequently asked questions, presentations and guidance materials, and training. We will keep updating it as new information becomes available. If you have any questions, please contact Bob Bini at

Victor Mendez
Administrator, Federal Highway Administration


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