PUBLIC NOTICE Federal Communications Commission 1919 M St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20554 J une 23, 1998 1 997 BROADCAST AND CABLE EMPLOYMENT REPORT The Commission today is releasing the attached five-year (1993-1997) minority and female employment trend reports for the broadcast and cable industries. The data are compiled from the Annual Employment Reports that broadcasters and cable operators file showing the composition of their staffs by gender, race and/or national origin. Overall broadcast industry employment for stations having five or more full-time employees increased from 146,616 in 1996 to 149,975 in 1997. Of all full-time broadcast employees, female representation increased from 40.8% to 41.0% and minority representation increased from 19.9% to 20.2%. Of the total full-time employees in the upper-four job categories (Officials and Managers, Professionals, Technicians, and Sales Workers) women increased from 34.4% to 34.9% and minorities increased from 17.8% to 18.2%. Overall cable industry employment increased at units having more than five employees from 120,530 in 1996 to 127,927 in 1997. Total female representation increased from 41.7% to 42.0% while minority representation increased from 28.2% to 29.1%. Of the total full-time employees in the upper-level job categories, females increased from 29.3% to 29.4% and minorities increased from 20.8% to 20.9%. The 1997 national labor force included 46.2% women and 26.0% minorities. Complete state-by-state reports may be inspected either in the FCC Library, Room 639, or in the Public Service Division, OPA, Room 254, 1919 M Street, N.W. Copies may be purchased from the FCC's duplicating contractor, International Transcript Services (202) 857-3800. For additional information concerning the data contact the EEO Branch at (202) 418-1450. -FCC-