NCI Cancer Bulletin: A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
NCI Cancer Bulletin: A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
March 28, 2006 • Volume 3 / Number 13 E-Mail This Document  |  Download PDF  |  Bulletin Archive/Search  |  Subscribe

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Director's Update
NCI's CIS Celebrates 30 Years

International CIS Group Helping to Spread the Word

Highlights of the CIS Program

Map of CIS Regional Offices

More CIS Facts

CIS Publications Ordering Service Delivers Needed Materials

CIS Partners with CNP

RFA Released for CIS Research Grant

A Conversation with
Mary Anne Bright

How to Reach CIS

Why I Am an Information Specialist

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NCI Cancer Bulletin Special Issue Header Image
A Conversation with Mary Anne Bright

How to Reach CIS
By telephone toll free: 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237)

By TTY toll free: 1-800-332-8615

Over the Internet (Instant Messaging): Access LiveHelp by going to http://www.cancer
, clicking on "Need Help?" then "LiveHelp."

Mary Anne Bright Mary Anne Bright, director of NCI's CIS national program since 2002, has served in a variety of roles at CIS since 1989. Prior to working at CIS, Ms. Bright was an oncology nurse from 1978 to 1986 and an oncology clinical nurse specialist in NIH's Clinical Center from 1986 to 1989.

What is CIS?
CIS is a national network of 15 regional offices serving the United States, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Pacific Islands. The CIS program is a key effector arm of NCI and through its three core components disseminates evidence-based programs, products, and services to the public and partner organizations; operates call centers; and contributes to the science base of health communications research.

Can you elaborate on the three core components of CIS?
CIS is most well known for its call centers, but information dissemination is just one of the core components that make up CIS. In addition to providing information, CIS supports partnership programs and health communications research.

Information dissemination
Through CIS, information specialists respond to the public's questions about cancer via telephone in English and Spanish (1-800-4-CANCER), Web chat or instant messaging, e-mail, or written correspondence. TTY service is also available (1-800-332-8615). In addition to providing cancer information and education, CIS informs the public about the harmful effects of tobacco and offers smoking cessation counseling.

Partnership programs
With field representatives located at cancer centers and universities across the country, CIS works with state, regional, and national partners - such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Cancer Society - to eliminate cancer health disparities and to provide leadership and technical support for comprehensive cancer control planning and tobacco control efforts in states, tribes, and territories. Numerous regionally implemented evidence-informed projects reach populations most in need.

Health communications research
The CIS research agenda supports NCI's communications research priorities and programs. Regional research coordinators enhance support of quality research, establish targeted funding opportunities, and develop mutually beneficial collaborative health communications research partnerships. Dissemination of cancer communication messages, tested in research, is a primary goal of CIS.

What does it take to be a part of CIS?
The people who work in the CIS program are dedicated and talented communications and cancer control professionals who are committed to providing a quality service to the public. They play a key role in translating the complexity of ever-emerging scientific information so those inquiring can understand it in simple terms and apply it to their particular situation. The program comprises approximately 300 individuals who exemplify the spirit of caring and commitment. I am very proud of the CIS staff and the critically important work we do, and am honored that the CIS program is the cornerstone of NCI's public outreach efforts.

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Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health