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Events which have already happened.

Hands-On Metadata Training and Support For North Carolina
A 2009 GIS Metadata Training Workshop will be held in Mystic, CT on July 30, 2009. This one-day training workshop is organized and conducted by the Penobscot Indian Nation Department of Natural Resources. The project is sponsored by Federal Geospatial Data Committee (FGDC), United States Geological Survey (USGS), and supported through the NSDI CAP I grant.
ESRI International Conference. Date(s) of Event: July 12-17, 2009 Location: San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA Booth: FGDC - GEO LoB Showcase FGDC staff attending event will be: Roxanne Lamb, Ivan DeLoatch, Sharon Shin, and Lew Sanford
Third meeting of the FGDC Metadata Working Group is being held by teleconference. Presentaion available by email. Posted to MWG website later. 218-339-3600 access code 188508. 8 am Hawaii 10 am Alaska 11 am Pacific 12 am Mountain 1 pm Central 2 pm Eastern
OGC Technical and Planning Committee Meetings, Boston, MA, June 22 - 26, 2009. FGDC staff attending will be Ivan DeLoatch
Event INCITS L1/U.S. TAG meeting - June 16, 2009 (SeiCorp, Chantilly, VA, from Jun 16, 2009 09:00 AM to Jun 16, 2009 03:00 PM)
OMB Circular A-119 directs Federal agencies to participate in voluntary consensus standards bodies. To that end, the FGDC and several member agencies are members of INCITS Technical Committee L1 (INCITS L1), Geographic information systems. INCITS L1 is the means by which the U.S. participates in national (ANSI) and international (ISO) standardization activities in geographic information. INCITS L1 serves as the U.S. TAG for ISO Technical Committee 211, Geographic information/Geomatics FGDC member agencies that have joined INCITS L1 are U.S. Department of Defense agencies National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the U.S. Geological Survey.
conference has been cancelled
GSDI 11 Rotterdam, The Netherlands June 15 - 19, 2009 FGDC attending will be: Ivan DeLotach, Ken Shaffer, Doug Nebert, and Al Stevens.
First Nations and Native Tribal Government Geographic Information System Workshop
Hosted by Oneida Nation of Wisconsin June 13 - 16, 2009 Native American / Indigenous / Aboriginal / tribal attendees and supporters of mapping efforts on aboriginal territories welcome. Let's learn, share, and grow together - find new ways of using mapping tools to solve sovereignty, environmental, and cultural issues.
The workshop is designed to provide attendees with specific experiences in the use of SOA techniques and emerging cloud computing in the context of integrating online government Web services for geospatial applications.
GIS Metadata training for North Carolina GIS community. Please visit for details.
Federal Employees Only
The NARC Annual Conference is the largest national event focused on promoting effective regional cooperation and solutions through interaction and education.
Event ISO TC 211 28th Plenary and Meetings (Molde, Norway, from May 25, 2009 09:00 AM to May 29, 2009 05:00 PM)