• Rice and Khalilzad walking and talking (AP Images)

    U.S. Backs Egyptian, U.N. Efforts in Gaza Conflict

    Secretary Rice (center) talks with U.S. Ambassador Khalilzad (right) at the United Nations. The United States welcomes Egyptian mediation to end the crisis in Gaza and supports a January 8 U.N. Security Council resolution calling for a cease-fire in the conflict.

  • Barack Obama (AP Images)

    U.S. Presidential Power Transfers Peacefully

    As he prepares to assume office, President-elect Obama is busy selecting his key advisers and conferring with Bush Administration officials. The result is an orderly transfer of power from one presidential administration to another - a hallmark of U.S. democracy.

  • Secretary Rice and Georgian Foreign Affairs Minister Grigol Vashadze (AP Images)

    Agreement Expands U.S.- Georgian Defense, Trade

    Secretary Rice and Georgian Foreign Affairs Minister Grigol Vashadze sign a partnership agreement. Georgia pledges to strengthen political reforms and the United States pledges to support Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations, including eventual membership in NATO.

In the Headlines

  • Congress Faces Huge Challenges

    The 111th Congress will be working with a new president. America.gov looks at the new Congress, its leadership and the daunting array of challenges it will face.

  • Russia, Ukraine Work on Gas Plan

    Russia and Ukraine have agreed on an initial plan concerning flows of natural gas to Ukraine and Europe. Many countries are rationing fuel pending resolution of the dispute.

Popular Topics

  • Elections

    President-elect Barack Obama will not take office until January 20, but his work already has begun.

  • Global Health
    Global Health

    Addressing the world's health challenges requires coordination across many areas.


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