Argonne National Laboratory American Recovery and Reinvestment Act U.S. Department of Energy


The U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory anticipates close to $180 million in funding from the recent American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Already this infusion of ARRA funds has allowed us to preserve and create new jobs, move forward with critical environmental remediation activities, and continue to invest in technologies that will advance science, improve transportation, and better protect the environment in the long term. These investments will allow Argonne to realize the tremendous potential of scientific R&D to help drive the economy — in the region, state, and the nation — and provide a green energy future for years to come.

Argonne is using ARRA funds to hire dozens of new employees and upgrade our infrastructure through a series of shovel-ready projects. Here you can find information about Argonne's role in the nation's clean energy economy by promoting local economic development, creating new jobs, and providing global scientific and engineering leadership.


For a complete list of ARRA-funded projects currently under way at Argonne, see our projects page.

ARRA in the News

Latest Argonne Press Releases

Argonne Infrastructure

Argonne to receive $15 million for infrastructure upgrades
"Leadership in science remains vital to America's economic prosperity, energy security and global competitiveness," said Secretary Chu… more

Argonne Upgrades with ARRA Funds

DOE awards Argonne $99 million to clean up past, pave way for future
The funds will be used to clean up several of Argonne's former nuclear research facilities and for construction and research activities at the laboratory…. more

Latest Media Reports

Fermilab getting $60 million more in stimulus funds, Daily Herald, August 5, 2009

Millions announced in Illinois research funding, Chicago Tribune, August 5, 2009

Argonne wins $35 million demolition contract and $11 million of funding for other projects, Nuclear Engineering International, August 4, 2009

More ARRA News >>

Community Resources

ARRA by the Numbers
FY09 funds anticipated: $114 million
FY09 funds received: $79 million
FY10 funds anticipated: $63 million
Subcontracts awarded: $4.67 million
Argonne jobs created: 33.5
Argonne jobs retained: 2
Subcontract jobs created: 10
Subcontract jobs retained: 2
(updated 8/06/09)

Job Fairs

Open positions at Argonne

Argonne Job Fair
Photos from Argonne Job Fairs


Obama speaks about recovery and jobs for the future
Weekly Address: Recovery and the Jobs of the Future

The White House
July 11, 2009

President Obama and Energy Secretary Chu
President Obama and Energy Secretary Steven Chu promote energy efficiency

The White House
June 29, 2009

Related links
Department of Energy (DOE)
DOE Recovery Web Site
Message from Secretary Chu
DOE Environmental Management
DOE Office of Science

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