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West-wide Energy Corridor Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

The full text of the West-wide Energy Corridor Final Programmatic EIS is available for downloading or online browsing in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

If you wish to obtain a CD-ROM version of the Final Programmatic EIS, use the Final Programmatic EIS Order Form.


Volume 1: Chapters 1-10
Volume 2: Appendices
Volume 3: Map Atlas
Volume 4: Comments and Responses

NOTE: All PEIS maps and additional maps products are available under West Wide Energy Corridor Final PEIS Maps.

Volume I

Volume I Front Matter: Cover, Contents, Notation, English/Metric and Metric/English Equivalents, Summary
PDF Front Matter (2.7 MB, 82 pages)

PDF Summary (2.3 MB, 50 pages)

Chapter 1: Why Are Federal Agencies Proposing To Designate Energy Corridors In the West?
PDF Chapter 1 (5.8 MB, 36 pages)

Chapter 2: What Are the Alternatives Evaluated in this PEIS?
PDF Chapter 2 (28.4 MB, 74 pages)

Chapter 3: What Are the Potential Environmental Consequences of Corridor Designation and Land Use Plan Amendment?
PDF Chapter 3 - Part 1 (Sections 3.1 - (17.3 MB, 51 pages)
PDF Chapter 3 - Part 2 (Sections 3.3.4 - (23.2 MB, 52 pages)
PDF Chapter 3 - Part 3 (Sections 3.6 - (23.0 MB, 164 pages)
PDF Chapter 3 - Part 4 (Sections 3.9 - (22.3 MB, 112 pages)

Chapter 4: How are Cumulative Impacts Evaluated?
PDF Chapter 4 (423 KB, 58 pages)

Chapter 5: What Unavoidable Adverse Impacts Might Be Caused By Corridor Designation and Land Use Plan Amendment?
PDF Chapter 5 (108 KB, 4 pages)

Chapter 6: The Relationship between Local Short-Term Uses of the Environment and Long-Term Productivity
PDF Chapter 6 (96 KB, 2 pages)

Chapter 7: What Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources Would Be Involved with Implementation of the Alternatives?
PDF Chapter 7 (94 KB, 2 pages)

Chapter 8: List of Preparers
PDF Chapter 8 (315 KB, 8 pages)

Chapter 9: References
PDF Chapter 9 (273 KB, 32 pages)

Chapter 10: Glossary
PDF Chapter 10 (190 KB, 14 pages)

Volume II: Appendixes

Volume II Front Matter: Cover, Contents, Notation, English/Metric and Metric/English Equivalents
PDF Front Matter (2.1 MB, 22 pages)

Appendix A: Proposed Land Use Amendments
PDF Appendix A (215 KB, 22 pages)

Appendix B: Summary of Public Scoping Comments For The Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, Designation of Energy Corridors on Federal Land In The 11 Western States (DOE/FS-0386)
PDF Appendix B (4.23 MB, 18 pages)

Appendix C: Tribal Consultation
PDF Appendix C (53 MB, 98 pages)

Appendix D: Distribution of the Draft PEIS
PDF Appendix D (151 KB, 14 pages)

Appendix E: Federal and State Regulatory Requirements Potentially Applicable When Designating Energy Corridors
PDF Appendix E (184 KB, 24 pages)

Appendix F: Section 368 Corridor Parameters
PDF Appendix F (123 KB, 8 pages)

Appendix G: Energy Transport Technologies and Hypothetical Energy Transport Projects
PDF Appendix G (16.7 MB, 30 pages)

Appendix H: Sensitive Resource Areas That Would Be Intersected by Proposed West-wide Energy Corridors
PDF Appendix H (162 KB, 12 pages)

Appendix I: Geographic Information System Data
PDF Appendix I (140 KB, 8 pages)

Appendix J: Summary of WWEC PEIS Webcasts for Corridor Review and Revision, 6/19/06 to 7/18/08
PDF Appendix J (126 KB, 6 pages)

Appendix K: Section 368 Energy Corridor Revisions
PDF Appendix K (171 KB, 12 pages)

Appendix L: Proposed Energy Corridors That Would Require Consultation With The Department Of Defense during Project Planning
PDF Appendix L (3.9 MB, 6 pages)

Appendix M: Federal Agency and Tribal Lands by State
PDF Appendix M (472 KB, 36 pages)

Appendix N: Potential Fossil Yield Classifications (PFYC) For Geologic Formations Intersecting Proposed Corridors Under The Proposed Action by State
PDF Appendix N (216 KB, 28 pages)

Appendix O: Water Resources
PDF Appendix O (278 KB, 24 pages)

Appendix P: Floodplain/Wetland Assessment of the Effects of Energy Corridor Designation in the 11 Western States
PDF Appendix P (1.9 MB, 10 pages)

Appendix Q: Ecoregion Descriptions
PDF Appendix Q (36.5 MB, 24 pages)

Appendix R: Potential Impacts of Energy Corridor Construction and Operation on Species Listed, Proposed for Listing, or Candidates for Listing Under the Endangered Species Act
PDF Appendix R (720 KB, 80 pages)

Appendix S: Selected Potentially Sensitive Visual Resource Areas Intersected by or in Close Proximity to Proposed Section 368 Energy Corridors Designated under the Proposed Action
PDF Appendix S (168 KB, 12 pages)

Appendix T: Section 106 Consultation and Data Request
PDF Appendix T (119 KB, 6 pages)

Appendix U: Archaeological, Historic, and Ethnographic Context
PDF Appendix U (2.9 MB, 46 pages)

Appendix V: National Register of Historic Places-Listed Properties within 1 Mile of Corridor Centerlines
PDF Appendix V (124 KB, 6 pages)

Appendix W: Socioeconomic Methods and Impacts
PDF Appendix W (203 KB, 16 pages)

Volume III: Map Atlas

NOTE: All PEIS maps and additional maps products are available under West Wide Energy Corridor Final PEIS Maps.

Volume III Front Matter: Cover, Contents, Notation, English/Metric and Metric/English Equivalents
PDF Front Matter (2.6 MB, 8 pages)







Volume IV: Comments and Responses

NOTE: Instructions for viewing individual comments submitted on the Draft PEIS are available within the Companion CD "Dear Reader" letter.

Volume IV: Comments and Responses
PDF Volume IV: Comments and Responses (2.2 MB, 186 pages)