
Diversity at Fermilab

"The support of human rights in our laboratory and its environs is inextricably intertwined with our goal of making the Laboratory a center of technical and scientific excellence."

Pier Oddone

Pier Oddone

Young-Kee Kim

Young-Kee Kim

Fermilab will maintain an inclusive and respectful environment for all members of the laboratory community. "It is essential," wrote our founding director Robert Wilson in establishing Fermilab's policy on human rights, "that we provide an environment and maintain an atmosphere in which both staff and visitors can live and work with pride and dignity without regard to such differences as race, religion, sex, or national origin." As Fermilab's director and deputy director, we are committed to the management of Fermilab with accountability for respect, civility and the appreciation of differences in every work group and collaboration at the laboratory.

—Pier Oddone, Director
—Young-Kee Kim, Deputy Director

Focus Group Report

Director's CornerWhen we began this process, I committed to make public the results of the focus groups and the accompanying report. I hope you will take time to read and think about them. For anyone who cares about Fermilab, they make compelling reading...

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Women in Physics

Women in PhysicsThis Web site aims to serve as a clearinghouse for information about issues affecting women in physics across the globe.

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