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EDOCS: If you know the FCC, DA, or (in some cases) the EDOCS DOC number, select the corresponding document type in the left box. Enter the number of the item in the Number box, e.g. 09-222. In the third box, select the output type (text, PDF, or Word). When you submit, this should pull up the document directly from EDOCS, or an error message will pop up if the document does not exist. This covers all documents released since January 2000.

ECFS: If you have a Docket or Rulemaking number, scroll down in the left box. Under ECFS, select either DKT or RM, as appropriate. Enter the Docket number (e.g. 97-66) or rulemaking number in the second box. The output type (text, PDF, Word) is ignored for this inquiry. When you submit, ECFS will pull up records for the proceeding or give a "not found" message. Documents from 1997 and later can be retrieved from the links on the page, earlier proceedings may have proceeding history pages. Records go back to about 1990.

If you select either EDOCS or ECFS in the left scroll-down box and hit submit, you will be sent to the regular ECFS or EDOCS search page.

Note: Documents are usually posted within two or three working days of release. Please check back after that much time has passed if you cannot find a document immediately after release. Sometimes due to oversight a document is accidentally not posted. If you believe this has occurred, or have any sort of problem with finding documents, or discover a document which is posted but not listed, please e-mail Vanessa Stallings at: