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AIMS: The Avian Incident Monitoring System

About AIMS

The Avian Incident Monitoring System (AIMS) is a cooperative program between American Bird Conservancy (ABC) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Through AIMS, ABC is implementing programs dedicated to data collection, storage and presentation, and programs dedicated to improving identification, investigation, and laboratory analysis of pesticide poisoned birds. The components dedicated to improving identification, investigation, and laboratory analysis of pesticide poisoned birds include 1) the Avian Pesticide Incident Network (APIN) trial and 2) regional APIN programs. The two components dedicated to data collection, storage and presentation are 1) historical data capture efforts and 2) the AIMS database. Information from all of the AIMS programs will be included in the AIMS database.

The AIMS database is a centralized source for reliable field data on lethal and sub-lethal effects of pesticides on birds. This data can be used for developing pesticide usage recommendations, while providing a measure of assurance that current usage recommendations and EPA label instructions do not pose an unreasonable risk to wildlife. AIMS enables systematic identification, diagnosis, and reporting of birds physically impaired or killed due to pesticide exposure in the field. These incidents provide valuable information on the impact of pesticides on ecosystem health. Accurately documenting the impact of pesticides on wild birds, and identifying patterns and trends in avian pesticide incidents, will allow ABC to better identify the key factors required for risk mitigation. The database was last updated in June of 2005.

Searching the Database

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The AIMS database is now accessible online. Users may search the database according to geographic location, date range, bird information, or pesticide information. Users can search by any combination of search fields or a single search field. Questions, comments and suggestions may be sent to .

The AIMS database manages the information collected in AIMS. It was constructed by ABC staff with input from a working group of scientists, data managers, and industry representatives. The database includes all available information for each incident related to the location, the related pesticide use, the birds involved, tissue analysis, and other relevant information. Currently the AIMS database contains information on over 2000 incidents, involving 213 species of birds and 97 pesticides. This data includes incidents from across North America and ranging in date from 1967 to today.


AIMS is guided by an Advisory Committee comprised of professionals from across sectors including federal and state agencies, non-profit organizations, academic institutions, and pesticide manufacturers. AIMS contributors include scientists from US Environmental Protection Agency, US Geological Survey, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Canadian Wildlife Service, Texas Tech University, and Syngenta Corporation.

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