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polyvinylpyrrolidone-sodium hyaluronate gel (PAH-lee-VY-nil-py-ROL-ih-done-SOH-dee-um HY-uh-LOO-roh-nayt ...)

 A gel used to lessen pain from mouth sores caused by chemotherapy or radiation therapy, oral surgery, braces, or disease. Polyvinylpyrrolidone-sodium hyaluronate gel is being studied in the treatment of pain caused by mouth sores in children receiving cancer treatment. It forms a thin layer over the surface of the mouth and throat to prevent irritation while eating, drinking, and talking. Also called Gelclair.

Previous Definitions:polyphenol, Polyphenon E, polyposis, polysaccharide, polysomnogram
Next Definitions:pomalidomide, pomegranate, pons, pontine, population study

A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health