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calendula ointment (kuh-LEN-dyuh-luh OYNT-ment)

 A substance made from the flower of the marigold plant Calendula officinalis. Calendula-based skin products have been used to treat minor cuts, burns, and skin irritation. The products that are available in the United States may not contain the same amount or mixture of ingredients and may not be effective. Another product, Calendula ointment, is being studied in France in the prevention of dermatitis in patients having radiation therapy for breast cancer. The ointment being studied is not available in the United States.

Previous Definitions:calcitriol, calcium, calcium carbonate, calcium gluconate, calcium levoleucovorin
Next Definitions:calgranulin A, calgranulin B, caloric intake, calorie, CAM

A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health