USAID/Indonesia: From the American People
August 25, 2009
USAID Enhances Indonesia

HealthEnvironmentEducationDemocracy and GovernanceEconomic GrowthTsunami ReconstructionMCC Threshold Program
Map of Indonesia showing Jakarta, Surabaya, Makassar, and Banda Aceh. Click to learn more about USAID's work throughout Indonesia's provinces.

Mita and other children in Pandeglang learn the importance of keeping hands clean in a local Community Health Service (Posyandu)

Learn more about USAID/Indonesia's health programs.
children showing off their clean hands

Last updated August 20, 2009

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USAID | Indonesia
Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 3-5 | Jakarta, Indonesia 10110
Tel +62 (21) 3435-9000