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FHWA Policy Memorandums

Any questions concerning these policy memorandums should be addressed to the Office of Primary Interest (OPI).

Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty
Issued Subject OPI
1/27/07 Policy and Guidance Supercompensation Payments Incurred for Acquisition of Real Property on Projects Eligible for Federal Funding HEPR
8/17/06 Guidance on 23 U.S.C. §328 Environmental Restoration and Pollution Abatement HEPN-30
7/12/06 Recreational Trails Program Compliance for FY 2007 Apportionments HEPH-50
5/25/06 Highway Traffic Noise HEPN-20
5/5/06 SAFETEA-LU Deadline for New Planning Requirements (July 1, 2007) HEP-1/TPL-1
4/26/06 Policy and Guidance for Acquisition and/or Relocation Incentive Programs-Voluntary HEPR
4/4/06 Sec. 6004: State Assumption of Responsibility for Categorical Exclusions HEPE
3/29/06 Transportation Conformity Guidance for Qualitative Hot-spot Analysis in PM2.5 and PM10 Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas HEPN-40
2/24/06 Guidance on Eminent Domain Provision of Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2006 Division Realty Professional
2/15/06 Release of FHWA Roadway Construction Noise Model (FHWA RCNM) Version 1.0 HEPN-20
2/14/06 Interim Guidance for Implementing the Transportation Conformity Provisions in the SAFETEA-LU, February 14, 2006 HEP
2/6/06 Flexible Funding for Highways and Transit and Funding for Bicycle & Pedestrian HEP
2/6/06 Major Project Guidance and the Division Right-of-Way Function HEPR
2/3/06 Interim Guidance on Air Toxic Analysis in NEPA Documents HEPN-10
2/1/06 Guidance on the Coordinated Border Infrastructure Program HEPI-10
1/13/05 Guidance for applying the 4(f) exemption for the Interstate Highway System HEPE
12/1/05 Interim Guidance on the Use of 23 USC §139(1) Limitation on Claims Notices HEP-1
10/6/05 Uniform Act Eligibility In Areas Impacted by Hurricane Katrina HEPR-1
8/30/05 Guidance on the Approval Process For Outdoor Advertising Control Pilots HEPR
4/13/05 Rails-with-Trails: Lessons Learned HEPN-50
3/10/05 Federal-aid Eligibility of Wetland and Natural Habitat Mitigation HEPN-30
3/8/05 Guidance on Adjustment of Non-conforming Outdoor Advertising Signs HEPR-1
11/30/04 Guidance on New Iowa Regulations Relating to Bonus Act Control Areas HEPR
8/9/99 Illegal Aliens and the Uniform Act HEPR
4/28/99 Guidance on the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program Under the Transportation Equity Act of the 21st Century (TEA-21) HENE/TPL-1
2/24/99 Transmittal of Guidance on Bicycle and Pedestrian Provisions of the Federal-aid Program HEPH-30
6/11/97 Programmatic Agreement on Transportation Enhancements HEP-40
1/2/97 Highway Traffic Noise HEPN-20
3/12/97 Eligibility of ISTEA Funds to Mitigate Historic Impacts to Wetlands HEPN-30
11/12/96 Procurement of Transportation Enhancement Projects HNG-22
11/01/96 The Uniform Act and Transportation Enhancements HRE-01
10/28/96 NEPA Requirements for Transportation Enhancement Activities HEP-30
3/11/96 Exemption Criteria During Highway Sanctions HEPN-10
12/15/95 Memorandum of Understanding to Foster the Ecosystem Approach HEPN-30
12/13/95 Use of Private Wetland Mitigation Banks HEPN-30
11/2/95 Guidance Implementing Executive Memorandum on Landscaping HEPN-30
10/11/95 Highway Noise-The Audible Landscape: A Manual for Highway Noise and Land Use HEPN-20
9/26/95 Executive Order on Recreational Fisheries HEPN-30
7/25/95 Participation in Funding for Ecological Mitigation HEPN-30
7/5/95 Use of Private Wetland Mitigation Banks as Compensatory Mitigation for Highway Project Impacts HEPN-30
6/12/95 Highway Traffic Noise Guidance and Policies and Written Noise Policies HEPN-20
2/3/95 Analyzing Exempt Projects in the Conformity Process HEPN-10
11/8/94 Federal Interagency Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Implementation of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) HEPN-30
10/24/94 Funding for Establishment of Wetland and Mitigation Banks HEPN-30
8/22/94 Interim Guidance of Applying Section 4(f) on Transportation Enhancement Projects and National Recreational Trails Projects HEP-31
7/28/94 Applicability of Davis-Bacon For Transportation Enhancement Projects HNG-22
4/19/94 Wetland Delineation and Mitigation HEPN-30
4/4/92 Inclusion of Administrators And Operators of Major Modes of Transportation on MPOs HEPM-10
1/17/92 Designation of Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinators within State Departments of Transportation HEP-1

Office of Infrastructure
Issued Subject OPI
09/10/08 Highway Embankments versus Levees and other Flood Control Structures HIBT-20
06/26/08 Repayment of Preliminary Engineering Costs HIPA-10
06/26/08 Procurement of Federal-aid Construction Projects HIPA-30
06/25/08 Surface Transportation Program (STP) Section 1108(f) of TEA-21, Funding of Minor Collectors Amended by SAFETEA-LU Technical Corrections HIPA-10
06/24/08 Applicability of Prevailing Wage Rate Requirements to Federal-aid Construction Projects HIPA-30
06/10/08 Eligibility of Replacement Parts for Safety-related Hardware HIPA-30
04/25/08 Division K, Title I, FHWA Federal-Aid Highways (Additional Obligation Limitation) (Highway Trust Fund) of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008 (P.L. 110-161) HIBT-30
03/27/08 Division K, Title I, FHWA Federal-Aid Highways (Additional Obligation Limitation) (Highway Trust Fund) of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008 (P.L. 110-161) HIBT-30
03/18/08 Eligibility of Replacement Parts for Safety-related Hardware HIPA-30
03/13/08 Revised Policy for the Approval of Buy America Waivers HIPA-30
07/09/07 Culvert Selection Procedures HIPA-30
05/22/07 The Discontinuance of the FHWA-45, FHWA-47 & FHWA-810 HIPA-10
02/08/07 Toll Credit for Non-Federal Share, Section 1905 of SAFETEA-LU HIPA-10
01/19/07 Final Major Project Guidance HIPA-40
11/30/06 Pipe Selection Final Rule HIPA-30
10/31/06 Sections 1701 and 1702 of SAFETEA-LU Revised High Priority Projects Program Implementing Guidance HIPA-10
10/30/06 Bridge Load Ratings for the National Bridge Inventory HIBT-30
03/07/06 Use of Debris from Demolished Bridges and Overpasses HIBT-10
01/11/06 Guidance on Patented and Proprietary Product Approvals HIPA-30
12/23/05 Sections 1701 and 1702 of SAFETEA-LU High Priority Projects Program Implementing Guidance HIPA-10
12/12/05 Awarding Engineering and Design Services Contracts Based on Brooks Act Requirements HIPA-20
11/30/05 Surface Transportation Program (STP) Implementation Guidance under SAFETEA-LU HIPA-10
02/11/05 Retroactive Use of Toll Credits HIPA-10
10/14/04 SEP-15 Application Process HIPA-30
10/8/04 Preventive Maintenance Eligibility HIAM-20
03/22/04 Revisions to Items 63-66 to Support Load Reporting by Rating Factor HIBT-30
7/3/03 Re-Delegation of Buy America Waiver Approval - Guidance HIPA-30
1/8/03 Stewardship and Oversight of the FHWA Construction Programs HIAM-20
10/7/02 Owner Controlled Insurance Program Policy HIPA-30
2/11/02 Incident Management Programs Funding Eligibility HIPA-10
2/7/02 Formal Policy on the Use of Recycled Materials HIPT
1/1/02 HBRRP Funds For Preventive Maintenance (23 U.S.C. 116(d)) HIBT
4/27/01 Revision of Coding Guide, Item 113 - Scour Critical Bridges HIBT-30
4/26/01 Interpretation of Title 23, Section 144(o) Reasonable Costs Associated With the Demolition of Historic Bridges HIBT-30
6/28/00 Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) HIBT
10/21/99 Terminated Preliminary Engineering Projects - Payback of Federal Funds HIPA
9/17/99 Vertical Clearance, Interstate System Coordination of Design Exceptions HIPA
12/24/98 Interstate Highway Reconstruction/Rehabilitation Pilot Program Section 1216(b) of TEA-21 Solicitation for Candidate Proposals HIPA-10
11/13/98 Project Oversight Unusual Bridges and Structures HIBT-30
10/30/98 Implementation TEA-21- Interstate Maintenance Guidelines HIAM-20
8/19/98 Phase Construction for Safety Considerations HNG-14
8/7/98 Interstate Construction Funds and Availability of Unobligated Balances of Interstate Substitute Funds HIPA-10
8/7/98 Interstate Maintenance Program TEA-21 Provisions, Implementing Guidance HIPA-10
8/7/98 Toll Credit for Non-Federal Share Section 1111(c) of TEA-21, Implementing Guidance HIPA-10
4/13/98 Guidance for Department of Labor Semi-annual Enforcement Reports HIPA-30
12/22/97 Buy America Policy Response HIPA-30
8/15/97 Vertical Clearance, Interstate System Coordination of Design Exceptions HIPA
7/25/97 Identifying Acceptable Highway Safety Features HMHS-10
2/11/97 Agreement for the Implementation of Scour Countermeasures to Protect Foundations of Scour Critical Bridges HIPA
1/16/97 Use of State Planning and Research (SP&R) Funds for Technician Certification Program Course Development HIAM-20
11/12/96 Surface Finishing of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements - Final Report FHWA-SA-96-068, Tire Pavement Noise and Safety Performance, May 1996 HIPT-10
11/12/96 Procurement of Transportation Enhancement Projects HIAM-20
8/7/96 Electronic Submission of Weekly Payroll Records HIPA-30
5/9/96 Applicability of Convict Labor Prohibition Transportation Enhancement Projects HIPA-30
4/19/96 National Highway System Designation Act; Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Requirements HIAM-30
3/21/96 Preventive Maintenance Revision to 23 U.S.C. 116 HIBT
2/20/96 Comprehensive Guideline for Procurement of Products Containing Recovered Materials HIPT
11/1/95 Surface Finishing of Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) HIPT-20
6/23/94 Reporting Requirements for Bid Tabulations, Forms FHWA-45 and FHWA-47 HIPA-10
3/18/94 Pre-bid Conferences on Lead-Based Paint Abatement HIBT-10
3/4/94 Reporting Requirements and Metrication; Bid Tabulations, Forms FHWA-45 and FHWA-47 HIPA-30
12/22/93 Bridge Load Ratings for the National Bridge Inventory HIBT-30
11/5/93 Bridge Load Ratings for the National Bridge Inventory HIBT-30
10/12/93 Safety and Geometric Considerations for Interstate Maintenance Program Projects HIAM-20
6/14/93 Interstate Maintenance Program HIAM-20
3/26/93 Lead-Based Paint Removal Worker Health and Safety Issues HIBT-10
7/27/92 Preventive Maintenance HIAM-20
5/21/92 1991 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) Implementation Interstate Maintenance Program HNG-13
3/17/92 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991-Bridge Painting, Seismic Retrofit, and Acetate Application HIBT-10
2/13/92 ISTEA of 1991 - Construction and Maintenance Requirements HIAM-20
9/18/90 Contract Procedures Federal Participation in Premium Time (Overtime) Payments to Contractors HIPA-30
11/04/88 Design Speed HIPA-20
8/21/85 Design Speed HIPA-20
5/15/85 Utility and Railwork - Wage Rate and EEO Requirements HIPA-30
5/14/85 Compliance with the National Bridge Inspection Standards, Frequency of Inspection and Load Posting of Bridges HIBT-30

Office of Operations
Issued Subject OPI
8/3/07 Traffic Control Devices for Preferential Lane Facilities HOTO

Safety Issues Related to Use of Acknowledgement and Advertising Signs on Toll Facilities Memo

12/21/06  Terminated all Experimentations with the use of Yellow-Green Colored Pavement Markings for Crosswalks  HOTO
10/24/06 Consideration of Trucks in Work Zone Planning HOTO
10/18/06 Interstate Oasis Program HOTO
10/12/06  Traffic Control Strategies for Toll Plazas  HOTO
5/4/06 Memorandum of Understanding Between FHWA and National Park Service Regarding Traffic Control Devices on Roads in National Parks  HOTO
3/17/06  Guidance for Use of YIELD or STOP Signs with the Crossbuck Sign at Passive Highway-Rail Grade Crossings  HOTO
8/10/05  Optional Use of Acknowledgment Signs on Highway Rights-of-Way  HOTO

Dynamic Message Sign (DMS) Recommended Practice and Guidance 

3/21/03 Use of Changeable Message Sign (CMS) for Emergency Security Messages HOTM
8/16/02 AMBER Alert Use of Changeable Message Sign (CMS) HOTM
3/6/02 Safety Message Signs Interpretation 2-488(1)("Click it or Ticket" Signs) HOTO-1
11/9/01 Adopt-a-Highway Signs - Interpretation HOTO-1
4/27/01 Adopt-a-Highway Signs - Interpretation (II- 477(I)--"Advertising on Adopt-a-Highway Signs") HOTO-1
3/28/01 Program Guidance on High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes HOTM

"Congestion Ahead" Messages  

1/19/01 Use of Changeable Message Sign HOTM
1/3/00 Guidance on Federal-aid Eligibility of Operating Costs for Transportation Management Systems HOTM-1

Office of Chief Counsel
Issued Subject OPI
5/7/03 Participation in the FHWA Office of Acquisition Management Contracting and Federal Assistance Process HAAM
2/18/97 Eligibility of "Historic Wetlands" for ISTEA Funding HCC

Office of Research, Development and Technology
Issued Subject OPI
11/3/94 State Planning and Research Program Administration; Guidelines HRPD-1

Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Issued Subject OPI
8/8/08 Indirect Cost Allocation Dispute Resolution Process for State DOTs HCF-1
4/10/08 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality - Increased Federal Share HCFM-10
3/9/07 Use of Excess Funds and Funds for Inactive Projects HCFM-10
7/19/07 INFORMATION: Fund Transfers to Other Agencies and Among Title 23 Programs HCFM-1
5/5/04 Clarification of Policy on Indirect Costs of State and Local Governments HABF-40

Office of Administration
Issued Subject OPI
4/11/01 Revised Process for Suspension and Debarment Actions HAAM-10
7/7/99 Tapered Match on Federal-aid Projects HABF-40
9/17/98 Guidance on Transfer Provisions Contained in the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century HABF-1
12/3/97 Guidance on Transfer Provisions Contained in the Surface Transportation Extension Act of 1997 HABF-1
6/26/92 Guidance on Transfer Provisions Contained in the Intermodal Surface Transportation Act of 1991 (ISTEA) HABF-1

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