Reports and Publications related to Coal most recent listed first (list alphabetically)

Quarterly Coal Report (also available in printer-friendly version )
Summary of quarterly coal production, exports, imports, receipts, prices, consumption, and stocks.

pages: 54, released: 12/23/2008, periodicity: quarterly, contact: Paulette Young  (202) 586-1719

U.S. Coal Supply and Demand: 2007 Review (also available in printer-friendly version )
This article provides an overview of the year 2007 in the coal industry and covers coal production, consumption, exports, imports, stocks, and delivered coal prices. It provides a detailed regional and State level coal production and national coal consumption along with industry developments that occurred in 2007. A brief discussion of coal-synfuel plants is included.

pages: 15, released: 4/16/2008, periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Coal Distribution 2005
Domestic and Foreign Distribution of U.S. Coal by State of Origin and by state of Destination

pages: , released: 4/3/2008, periodicity: annual, contact: NEIC  (202) 586-8800

Annual Coal Report, 2006 (also available in printer-friendly version )
Summary of U.S. coal production, consumption, exports, imports, and price.

pages: 73, released: 11/15/2007, periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Coal InfoCard
Summary coal statistics

pages: , released: 7/1/2007, periodicity: annual, contact: NEIC  (202) 586-8800

U.S. Coal Supply and Demand: 2006 Review
This article provides and overview of the year 2006 in the coal industry and covers coal production, consumption, exports, imports, stocks, and delivered coal prices. It provides a detailed regional and State level coal production and national coal consumption along with industry developments that occurred in 2006. A brief discussion of coal-synfuel plants is included

pages: 14, released: 4/17/2007, periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

GIS Assessment of Remaining Coal Resources with High Market Potential
This report combines geologic data, mined-out coal information, restrictions on access, and economic data in a GIS framework. It also provides maps of remaining coal resources in the Pittsburgh coal bed (Northern Appalachian coal region).

pages: 27, released: 10/12/2006, periodicity: one-time, contact: NEIC  (202) 586-8800

Coal Production In The United States – An Historical Overview
Energy from coal has been important historically in the United States for a broad range of uses. Coal today is used principally as a fuel for electricity generation and other industrial processes.

pages: 19, released: 10/6/2006, periodicity: one-time, contact: NEIC  (202) 586-8800

Annual Coal Report, 2005
Summary of U.S. coal production, consumption, exports, imports, and price.

pages: 79, released: 10/1/2006, periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

U.S. Coal Supply and Demand: 2005 Review
Summary data on coal supply and demand for 2005.

pages: 14, released: 4/10/2006, periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Coal Distribution 2004
Domestic and Foreign Distribution of U.S. Coal by State of Origin and by state of Destination

pages: , released: 1/1/2006, periodicity: annual, contact: NEIC  (202) 586-8800

Annual Coal Report, 2004
Summary of U.S. coal production, consumption, exports, imports, and price.

pages: 77, released: 11/1/2005, periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Coal Transportation Rate Sensitivity Analysis (also available in printer-friendly version )
On December 21, 2004, the Surface Transportation Board (STB) requested that the Energy Information Administration (EIA) analyze the impact of changes in coal transportation rates on projected levels of electric power sector energy use and emissions. Specifically, the STB requested an analysis of changes in national and regional coal consumption and emissions resulting from adjustments in railroad transportation rates for Wyoming’s Powder River Basin (PRB) coal using the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS). However, because NEMS operates at a relatively aggregate regional level and does not represent the costs of transporting coal over specific rail lines, this analysis reports on the impacts of interregional changes in transportation rates from those used in the Annual Energy Outlook 2005 (AEO2005) reference case.

pages: 15, released: 4/1/2005, periodicity: one-time, contact: John Conti  (202) 586-2222

U.S. Coal Supply and Demand: 2004 Review
Summary data on coal supply and demand for 2004.

pages: 12, released: 4/1/2005, periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Analysis of Alternative Mercury Control Strategies
This analysis responds to a September 14, 2004, request from Chairmen James M. Inhofe and George V. Voinovich asking the Energy Information Administration (EIA) to analyze the impacts of different approaches for removing mercury from coal-fired power plants.

pages: 63, released: 1/1/2005, periodicity: one-time, contact: Alan Beamon  (202) 586-2025

Analysis of S. 1844, the Clear Skies Act of 2003; S. 843, the Clean Air Planning Act of 2003; and S. 366, the Clean Power Act of 2003 (also available in printer-friendly version )
Senator James M. Inhofe requested that the Energy Information Administration (EIA) undertake analysis of S.843, the Clean Air Planning Act of 2003, introduced by Senator Thomas Carper; S.366, the Clean Power Act of 2003, introduced by Senator James Jeffords; and S.1844, the Clear Skies Act of 2003, introduced by Senator James M. Inhofe. The EIA received this request on March 19, 2004. This Service Report responds to his request.

pages: 101, released: 5/1/2004, periodicity: one-time, contact: Alan Beamon  (202) 586-2025

U.S. Coal Prices
Overview of spot and contract prices for coal by producing region January 2000 to September 2002,

pages: 3, released: 6/1/2003, periodicity: one-time, contact: NEIC  2025868800

Analysis of Strategies for Reducing Multiple Emissions from Electric Power Plants: Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Dioxide, and Mercury and a Renewable Portfolio Standard-Chapter 4-Fuel Market and Macroeconomic Impacts (also available in printer-friendly version )
This chapter discusses the projected impacts of new emission caps on nitrogen oxides (Nox), Sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and mercury (Hg) and the adoption of a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) on the U.S. markets for those fuels, including industry employment levels

pages: 26, released: 7/1/2001, periodicity: one-time, contact: John Conti  (202) 586-2222

Energy Policy Act Transportation Rate Study: Final Report on Coal Transportation (also available in printer-friendly version )
This is the final in a series of reports prepared for the U.S. Congress by the Secretary of Energy on coal distribution and transportation rates as mandated by Title XIII, Section 1340, “Establishment of Data Base and Study of Transportation Rates,” of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (P.L. 102-486).

pages: 93, released: 10/1/2000, periodicity: one-time, contact: neic  (202) 586-8800

Annual Coal Report, 1998
Summary of U.S. coal production, consumption, exports, imports, and price.

pages: 312, released: 7/7/2000, periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Coal Industry Annual, 1998
Provides comprehensive information about U.S. coal production, number of mines, prices, productivity, employment, productive capacity, and recoverable reserves.

pages: 312, released: 7/7/2000, periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Impact of Technological Change and Productivity on the Coal Market (also available in printer-friendly version )
This paper examines the components of past gains in productivity, including regional shifts, the exit of less productive producers, and technological progress Future prospects for continuing productivity gains at sustained, but lower, rates of improvement are discussed.

pages: 10, released: 1/1/2000, periodicity: one-time, contact: NEIC  (202) 586-8800

U.S. Coal Industry in the 1990's: Low Prices and Record Production, The
This article describes and examines structural and operational changes in the U.S. coal industry in the 1990's.

pages: 21, released: 9/1/1999, periodicity: one-time, contact: neic  (202) 586-8800

Outlook for Coal Markets Through 2020, The (also available in printer-friendly version )
This paper provides a mid-term framework for examining some of the issues confronting the coal industry based on projections from the Annual Energy Outlook 1999.

pages: , released: 6/1/1999, periodicity: one-time, contact: NEIC  (202) 586-8800

U.S. Coal Reserves:An Update
U.S. Coal Reserves: An Update by Heat and Sulfur Content, presents detailed estimates of U.S. coal reserves, as well as descriptions of the data, methods, and assumptions used to develop such estimates, which are basic to the analysis and forecasting.

pages: 65, released: 2/11/1999, periodicity: occasional, contact: neic  (202) 586-8800

Coal Industry Annual, 1997
Provides comprehensive information about U.S. coal production, number of mines, prices, productivity, employment, productive capacity, and recoverable reserves.

pages: 247, released: 11/23/1998, periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Annual Coal Report, 1997
Summary of U.S. coal production, consumption, exports, imports, and price.

pages: 247, released: 11/23/1998, periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Impacts of the Kyoto Protocol on U.S. Energy Markets & Economic Activity - Coal-related sections: Summary, Economics/Markets, Technology/Early Start, and Fossil Fuel Supply (also available in printer-friendly version )
This report responds to a request received from Senators F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., and George Brown, Jr., on March 3, 1998 to analyze the impacts of the Kyoto Protocol on the U.S. energy markets and the economy in the 2008-2012 time frame with several alternative cases evaluating key uncertainties, including U.S. economic growth, the cost and performance of energy-using technologies, and the possible construction of new nuclear power plants

pages: 246, released: 10/1/1998, periodicity: one-time, contact: John Conti  (202) 586-2222

Challenges of Electric Power Industry Restructuring for Fuel Suppliers - Summary (also available in printer-friendly version )
The current movement to restructure U.S. electricity generation markets.

pages: 142, released: 9/1/1998, periodicity: one-time, contact: William Watson  (202) 586-1707

Annual Coal Report, 1996
Summary of U.S. coal production, consumption, exports, imports, and price.

pages: 257, released: 4/1/1998, periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Coal Industry Annual, 1996
Provides comprehensive information about U.S. coal production, number of mines, prices, productivity, employment, productive capacity, and recoverable reserves.

pages: 257, released: 4/1/1998, periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Annual Coal Report, 1995
Summary of U.S. coal production, consumption, exports, imports, and price.

pages: 260, released: 11/17/1996, periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Coal Industry Annual, 1995
Provides comprehensive information about U.S. coal production, number of mines, prices, productivity, employment, productive capacity, and recoverable reserves.

pages: 260, released: 11/17/1996, periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

U.S. Coal Reserves: A Review and Update
U.S. Coal Reserves: An Update by Heat and Sulfur Content, presents detailed estimates of U.S. coal reserves, as well as descriptions of the data, methods, and assumptions used to develop such estimates, which are basic to the analysis and forecasting.

pages: 109, released: 8/1/1996, periodicity: occasional, contact: neic  (202) 586-8800

Annual Coal Report, 1994
Summary of U.S. coal production, consumption, exports, imports, and price.

pages: 269, released: 4/18/1996, periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Coal Industry Annual, 1994
Provides comprehensive information about U.S. coal production, number of mines, prices, productivity, employment, productive capacity, and recoverable reserves.

pages: 269, released: 4/18/1996, periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Energy Policy Act Transportation Rate Study: Interim Report on Coal Transportation
Presents a interim analysis of coal transportation rates and distribution patterns using the database developed pursuant to a congressional mandate

pages: 136, released: 10/1/1995, periodicity: one-time, contact: B.D. Hong  (202) 254-5365

Longwall Mining
Longwall Mining, describes longwall mining and compares it with other underground mining methods. Using data from EIA and private sector surveys, the report describes major changes in the geologic, technological, and operating characteristics of longwall mining over the past decade.

pages: 71, released: 3/1/1995, periodicity: one-time, contact: NEIC  (202) 586-8800

Coal Data: A Reference
Summarizes basic information on the mining and use of coal, an important source of energy in the United States. It contains information on coal quality, coal prices, unions, and strikes.

pages: 132, released: 2/1/1995, periodicity: one-time, contact: NEIC  (202) 586-8800

Carbon Dioxide Emission Factors for Coal
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) has developed factors for estimating the amount of carbon dioxide emitted, accounting for differences among coals, to reflect the changing "mix" of coal in U.S. coal consumption.

pages: 8, released: 8/1/1994, periodicity: One-time, contact: William Watson  (202) 586-1707

State Coal Profiles
Provides basic information about the deposits, production, and use of coal in each of the 27 coal producing States in 1992. Each coal producing State is profiled with a description of its coal deposits and a discussion of the development of its coal industry.

pages: 227, released: 1/1/1994, periodicity: occasional, contact: NEIC  (202) 586-8800

Energy Policy Act Transportation Rate Study Availability of Data and Studies
Presents the Secretary of Energy's review of data collected by the Federal Government on rates for rail and pipeline transportation of domestic coal, oil, and gas for 1988 through 1997, and proposals to develop an adequate data base for each of the fuels, based on the data availability review.

pages: 50, released: 10/1/1993, periodicity: one-time, contact: NEIC  (202) 586-8800

Changing Structure of the U.S. Coal Industry: An Update, The
The purpose of this report, The Structure of the U.S. Coal Industry: An Update, is to provide a comprehensive overview of changes in the structure of the U.S. coal industry between 1976 and 1991.

pages: 71, released: 7/1/1993, periodicity: one-time, contact: NEIC  (202) 586-8800

U.S. Coal Reserves:An Update by Heat and Sulfur Content
U.S. Coal Reserves: An Update by Heat and Sulfur Content, presents detailed estimates of U.S. coal reserves, as well as descriptions of the data, methods, and assumptions used to develop such estimates, which are basic to the analysis and forecasting.

pages: 150, released: 2/1/1993, periodicity: occasional, contact: neic  (202) 586-8800

Coal Industry Annual, 1999
Provides comprehensive information about U.S. coal production, number of mines, prices, productivity, employment, productive capacity, and recoverable reserves.

pages: 312, released: , periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

U.S. Coal Supply and Demand: 2000 Review
Summary data on coal supply and demand for 2000.

pages: 8, released: , periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Coal Transportation: Rates and Trends in the United States, 1979-2001 (with Supplementary Data to 2002
This section describes as background some factors and general trends relevant to coal transportation

pages: 0, released: , periodicity: as data becomes available, contact: neic  (202) 586-8800

U.S. Coal Industry in the 1990's: Low Prices and Record Production, The
Examines changes in the U.S. coal industry in the 1990's, since the passage of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990

pages: 21, released: , periodicity: one-time, contact: neic  (202) 586-8800

U.S. Coal Supply and Demand: 2002 Review
Provides a review of 2002 U.S. coal supply and demand.

pages: 9, released: , periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

U.S. Coal Supply and Demand: 1997 Review
Provides a review of 1997 U.S. coal supply and demand.

pages: 11, released: , periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

U.S. Coal Supply and Demand: 2003 Review
Summary data on coal supply and demand for 2003.

pages: 11, released: , periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Coal Distribution 2003
Domestic and foreign distribution of U.S. coal by state of origin, destination, and method of transportation.

pages: 0, released: , periodicity: annual, contact: NEIC  (202) 586-8800

Coal Distribution 2002
Domestic and Foreign Distribution of U.S. Coal by State of Origin

pages: , released: , periodicity: annual, contact: NEIC  (202) 586-8800

Coal Industry Annual, 2000
Provides comprehensive information about U.S. coal production, number of mines, prices, productivity, employment, productive capacity, and recoverable reserves.

pages: 311, released: , periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

U.S. Coal Supply and Demand: 2001 Review
Provides a review of 2001 U.S. coal supply and demand.

pages: 8, released: , periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

U.S. Coal Supply and Demand: 1998 Review
An overview of production, consumption, stocks, imports and exports

pages: 0, released: , periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Annual Coal Report, 1999
Summary of U.S. coal production, consumption, exports, imports, and price.

pages: 312, released: , periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Weekly Coal Production
Estimates of U.S. coal production by State based on railroad car loadings data.

pages: , released: , periodicity: weekly, contact: Mary Lilly  (202) 586-1468

Coal Distribution 2001
Domestic and Foreign Distribution of U.S. Coal by State of Origin

pages: 126, released: , periodicity: annual, contact: NEIC  (202) 586-8800

Annual Coal Report, 2003
Summary of U.S. coal production, consumption, exports, imports, and price.

pages: 78, released: , periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Annual Coal Report, 2002
Summary of U.S. coal production, consumption, exports, imports, and price.

pages: 69, released: , periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Annual Coal Report, 2001
Summary of U.S. coal production, consumption, exports, imports, and price.

pages: 73, released: , periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

U.S. Coal Supply and Demand: 1999 Review
Provides a review of 1999 U.S. coal supply and demand.

pages: 8, released: , periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251

Annual Coal Report, 2000
Summary of U.S. coal production, consumption, exports, imports, and price.

pages: 311, released: , periodicity: annual, contact: Fred Freme  (202) 586-1251