Argonne National Laboratory
Nuclear Engineering Division
Think, explore, discover, innovate
Nuclear Engineering is a Division of Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne), a U.S. Department of Energy laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC

Home > Activities > Major Programs


The Nuclear Engineering Division Major Programs span a wide range of diversified activities.

  Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI)

Development and assessment of technologies for improved management of spent nuclear fuel.
NE Departments involved:
• Engineering Analysis • Nuclear Systems Analysis  • Engineering Development & Applications

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  Generation IV (Gen IV) Nuclear Energy Program

Development of next generation nuclear systems featuring significant advances in sustainability, economics, safety, reliability, proliferation resistance and physical protection.
NE Departments involved:
• Engineering Analysis • Nuclear Systems Analysis • Engineering Development & Applications

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  Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP)

International collaboration enabling the expanded worldwide use of economical, environmentally responsible nuclear energy to meet growing electricity demand, while addressing nuclear safeguards concerns.
NE Departments involved:
• Engineering Analysis • Nuclear Systems Analysis • Engineering Development & Applications • National Security and Non-proliferation

  Hydrogen Initiative

Assessment and development of nuclear technologies for the generation of hydrogen as a replacement for fossil fuels.
NE Departments involved:
• National Security and Non-proliferation

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  Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR)

Conversion of research reactors from high- to low-enriched uranium fuel to reduce risk of nuclear weapons proliferation.
NE Departments involved:
• Nuclear Systems Analysis • Research & Test Reactor Conversion

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RERTR 2009 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors
Nov. 1-5, 2009,  Beijing, China

RERTR 2009The U.S. Department of Energy / National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Global Threat Reduction in cooperation with the China Atomic Energy Authority and International Atomic Energy Agency will host the “RERTR 2009 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors.” The meeting is organized by Argonne National Laboratory, China Institute of Atomic Energy and Idaho National Laboratory and will be held in Beijing, China from November 1-5, 2009. This will be the 31st annual meeting in a series on the same general subject regarding the conversion of reactors within the Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI). For more information and to register visit the RERTR-2009 website.

  International Nuclear Safety

Fostering open exchange of safety information and improvements of nuclear plant safety worldwide.
NE Departments involved:
• National Security and Non-proliferation

International Nuclear Safety Center web site »
International Nuclear Safety at NE »

  Materials Disposition (MD)

Safe disposition of excess weapons plutonium through reactor irradiation and conversion to spent fuel.
NE Departments involved:
• Engineering Analysis • Nuclear Systems Analysis

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  Decontamination and Decommissioning (D&D)

Safe and cost-effective decommissioning of surplus, radioactively contaminated facilities (project identification, design, planning, budgeting, and project execution including disassembly, size reduction, waste packaging, demolition and decontamination). Knowledge gained through successful project completions is shared with others in the DOE complex and the nuclear community at large through topical presentations, training, and exchange of lessons learned.

NE Departments involved:
• Engineering Development & Applications

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Decommissioning Training Courses

Argonne Decommissioning Training CourseA wealth of decommissioning know-how brought to you by seasoned professionals in the industry with a broad base of knowledge from practical decommissioning experience.

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Find out more about the "Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities" training courses at the D&D website

  National Security and Non-proliferation

Limiting risk of nuclear weapons proliferation through export control policy support, safeguarding of special nuclear materials in the Former Soviet Union, development of information management systems.
NE Departments involved:
• National Security and Non-proliferation

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  Nuclear Criticality Safety

Enhancing capability for assuring safe storage and transport for nuclear materials.
NE Departments involved:
• Nuclear Systems Analysis

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  Nuclear Data Program

Processing and validation analysis, compilation, evaluation and measurements of nuclear data.
NE Departments involved:
• Nuclear Systems Analysis

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  Nuclear Waste Form Modeling

Assuring safe performance of waste forms from processed EBR-II spent fuel in the Yucca Mountain Geologic Repository.
NE Departments involved:
• Engineering Analysis

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  Nuclear Regulatory Research

Providing broad technical expertise in the relevant engineering technology areas and appropriate technical support to the NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research.
NE Departments involved:
• System Technologies & Diagnostics • Engineering Development & Applications





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NE Department Managers

Engineering Analysis Dept.
Dept. Manager: J. Cahalan
Fax: +1 630-252-4500

Nuclear Systems Analysis Dept.
Dept. Manager: Robert N. Hill
Fax: +1 630-252-4500

Research & Test Reactor Conversion Dept.
Dept. Manager: J. Roglans
Fax: +1 630-252-5161
Web: RERTR Web site

National Security and Non-proliferation Dept.
Dept. Manager: C. Roche
Fax: +1 630-252-7308
Web: NSNP page

System Technologies & Diagnostics Dept.
Dept. Manager: A.C. Raptis
Fax: +1 630-252-3250
Web: STD page

Engineering Development and Applications Dept.
Dept. Manager: C. Grandy
Fax: +1 630-252-7577
Web: EDA page

ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, Nuclear Engineering Division
9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439-4814
A U.S. Department of Energy laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC

Last modified on June 22, 2009 10:19 +0200