Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library
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Research Travel Grants
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Historical Materials
Information on the Fords

Archival Collections
Guide & Finding Aids
Oral Histories
PRESNET Database
Subject Guides
Research Topics

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Gerald R. Ford Library & Museum  
Research Grants Programs

Two grant programs are available to support research in the holdings of the Gerald R. Ford Library. These holdings focus on Federal policies, U.S. foreign relations, and national politics in the 1960s and 1970s. There are earlier and later materials depending upon your topic. The grant programs are:

The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation awards several Research Travel Grants of up to $2,000 each in support of research in the holdings of the Gerald R. Ford Library. A grant defrays travel, living, and photocopy expenses of a research trip to the Ford Library. Grants are awarded twice a year with application deadlines of March 15 and September 15. See details about the grants.

The "Gerald R. Ford Scholar Award (Dissertation Award) in Honor of Robert Teeter" in the amount of $5,000 is given annually to one individual to support dissertation research on an aspect of the U.S. political process during the latter part of the twentieth century. See details about the award.