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Regulations, Guidelines and Manuals
    Engineering Guidelines for the Evaluation of Hydropower Projects

    Final Dam Safety Surveillance Monitoring Plan – Appendices J and K

    The Division of Dam Safety and Inspections has finalized the Dam Safety Surveillance Monitoring Plan (DSSMP). The DSSMP provides the details of how an owner will monitor and evaluate the performance of a dam or project structure. The DSSMP is necessarily comprehensive to cover all types of dams with all levels of dam safety risk. The DSSMP for individual dams should be appropriately tailored to the specific needs and potential failure modes of that dam. The DSSMP also includes the requirement to periodically submit a Dam Safety Surveillance and Monitoring Report (DSSMR) that presents an evaluation and interpretation of the surveillance and monitoring data.

    This DSSMP has been developed from an initial coordination meeting with several owners and consultants with further input from owners and consultants that are members of the Hydraulic Power Committee of the National Hydropower Association. In addition, FERC received over 40 written comments from interested parties on the initial draft plan.

    There are a number of revisions from the draft version posted on June 26, 2007 that have been incorporated into the final DSSMP and DSSMR Outlines. A few of these changes are listed below; however, the user should refer to the final DSSMP and DSSMR Outlines.

    • Revised definition of threshold and action levels
    • Submittal of instrumentation files optional unless specifically requested
    • Deleted several minor requirements

    The DSSMP and the DSSMR Outlines will be incorporated into Chapter 14 as Appendix J and K, respectively. Note that the text of Chapter 14 still contains significant helpful information on Surveillance Monitoring. A general update to Chapter 14 will be available later this year and will add reference to the outlines in Appendix J and K.

    Any comments and suggestions on the final plan can be sent to John Zygaj at and copied to Bill Allerton at

  Engineering Guidelines


  Contact Information

Daniel J. Mahoney, Director
Telephone: 202-502-6743

William H. Allerton, Deputy Director
Telephone: 202-502-6025

John Zygaj

Updated: January 22, 2008