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Name: Iowa State University
EPA Region:7
Street Address:100 Alumni Hall
Zip Code:50011

Associated Project Details for: Iowa State University
25 Projects listed for this institution:
F5C10390 Environmental Policy in Intensively Managed Ecosystems Under Benefit and Cost Uncertainty Fellowship August 1, 2005 through July 1, 2008
F5F21768 Impact of Veterinary Antibiotics in Terrestrial Ecosystems Fellowship September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2008
F6C30851 Forest Change in the Midwest: The Impact of Stakeholder Perceptions and Management Actions on the Fate of Our Oak Forests Fellowship August 15, 2006 through December 31, 2008
GF9500023 Sampling for Wireworms Fellowship May 1, 1995 through  
U914772 Exploitation of Plants for In Situ Bioremediation of Pesticide-Contaminated Sites Fellowship January 1, 1995 through January 1, 1996
U915246 Microbial Biomass and Nitrate Immobilization in a Multispecies Riparian Buffer Fellowship January 1, 1997 through December 31, 2000
U915536 Nontarget Effects of Bt Corn Pollen on the Monarch Butterfly Fellowship September 1, 1999 through May 1, 2001
U916182 The Role of Corridors in Affecting Predator-Prey Interactions: The Interplay Between Seed Deposition, Seed Predation, and Seedling Establishment in Experimentally Fragmented Landscapes Fellowship January 1, 2003 through January 1, 2006
R823292 Capillary Immunophoresis for Environmental Monitoring Grant October 1, 1995 through September 1, 1998
R823362 Robustness of Welfare Estimates for Environmental Goods from Discrete Choice Recreational Demand Models Grant September 8, 1995 through September 7, 1997
R825155 Modeling Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Montane Meadows and Biodiversity in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Grant October 1, 1996 through September 30, 1999
R825206 Parallelization Agent for Legacy Codes in Environmental Modeling Grant January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1999
R825310 Updating Prior Methods for Non-Market Valuation A Bayesian Approach to Combining Disparate Sources of Environmental Values Grant October 1, 1996 through September 30, 1998
R825330 Photochemical Alternatives for Pollution Prevention Grant October 1, 1996 through September 30, 1999
R825335 Modeling Effects of Alternative Landscape Design and Management on Water Quality and Biodiversity in Midwest Agricultural Watersheds Grant January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1999
R825796 Methods for Increasing Biodiversity in Tallgrass Prairie Reconstructions Grant January 1, 1998 through December 31, 2000
R826615 An Examination of Utility Consistent Approaches to Modeling Corner Solutions in Recreation Demand Grant September 1, 1998 through August 31, 2001
R827257 Hierarchical Statistical Analysis of Global and Regional Environmental Data Grant September 1, 1998 through August 31, 2001
R830818 Valuing Water Quality in Midwestern Lake Ecosystems: Temporal Stability and the Role of Information in Value Formation Grant September 15, 2002 through September 14, 2005
R831421 Collaborative Research: Cost-Effective Production of Baculovirus Insecticides (TSE03-D) Grant January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2006
R831441 Collaborative Research: Metabolic Engineering of E. coli Sugar-Utilization Regulatory Systems for the Consumption of Plant Biomass Sugars Grant December 22, 2003 through December 21, 2007
R831458 Genetic Enhancement of Baculovirus Stability in Continuous Culture Grant January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2006
SU832490 Renewable Resources To Power A University - A Model For Regional Sustainable Development Grant September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2006
SU832499 Drinking Water Disinfection Using a UV/Photocatalyst Grant October 1, 2005 through May 30, 2006
SU833537 Small-Scale Fuel Alcohol Production to Meet University Vehicle Fuel Needs and Promote Regional Sustainable Development Grant September 1, 2007 through August 31, 2008

5 Additional Projects listed as performed at this location:1072
R825549C045 Use of Vegetation to Enhance Bioremediation of Surface Soils Contaminated with Pesticide Wastes Center May 1, 1995 through April 1, 1997
R829095 Applying Spatial and Temporal Modeling of Statistical Surveys to Aquatic Resources Center October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2006
R829095C002 Local Inferences from Aquatic Studies Center October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2006
R829479C005 Development of Novel Plastics From Agricultural Oils Center October 1, 2003 through September 30, 2004
R829479C015 Coordinated Expression of Multiple Anti-Pest Proteins Center July 1, 2002 through December 31, 2003

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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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