Welcome to the United States Army - School of Information Technology - Official Public Link
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The School of Information Technology - "Slogan"



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Welcome to the United States Army, School of Information Technology website. The school is headquartered in Cobb Hall on Fort Gordon, Georgia and trains noncommissioned officers, warrant officers, commissioned officers and members of Allied nations in a wide range of network operations (NetOps) areas of interest. There are three training and one support division. Each division and subordinate branches play an intricate part in the successful mission accomplishments of the school:

Information Dissemination Management Division (IDMD)
Information Assurance Division (IAD)
Network Management Division (NMD)
Training Support Division (TSD)


AKO WebMail Access
Fort Gordon - Outlook Web Access (OWA)
Effective immediately, Fort Gordon's OWA is available but only accessible via CAC cards. Contact your IASO for further details.


School of Information Technology - Section 508 Compliance
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Last Updated: Wednesday, 25 March, 2009 9:29 AM
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