Globe FAS Worldwide
United States Department of Agriculture
Foreign Agricultural Service

An online review of Foreign Agricultural Service initiatives and services


Now featured on FAS Worldwide
Programs and Opportunities

School Garden Project Brings Food and Education into African Classrooms--New
Through this project, USDA and the U.S. Agency for International Development are working to increase the availability of nutritious food to African school children.

Developing Countries Find Voice in Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Ministerial of the Doha Development Agenda fanned life back into the World Trade Organization negotiations for trade liberalization.

Initiative Uses Technical Assistance and Trade Capacity Building To Jumpstart Economic Development in the Caucasus
The Caucasus Agricultural Development Initiative is one of many capacity building and technical assistance efforts USDA has spearheaded.

U.S. Exporter Assistance

e-Government: The Computer Revolution at FAS--New
The FAS Web site has become the agency’s primary means of communication.

Trade Shows and Other Opportunities--New
Here is a list of trade shows and promotional opportunities endorsed or otherwise sponsored by FAS.

Market and Trade Data

South Korea, Already a Major Market, Offers Further Opportunities for U.S. Agriculture
In 2005, South Korea was the fifth largest market for U.S. agricultural products. Although the country’s economy is slowing under weakening export growth and the won’s rising value, South Korea remains the world’s 10th largest economy, 12th largest exporter, and 13th largest importer for all products. South Korean demand for items across product categories, from wheat to bread, from hay to whey, from breakfast cereals to wines, is climbing, spurred by consumers and the retail, food service, and food processing sectors.

Exporting Agricultural Biotechnology Products to Japan--New
Japan is one of the largest importers of U.S. agricultural biotech products. Although the Japanese food industry and government are receptive to these products, consumers remain resistant.

Chengdu: An Up-and-Coming Market in China’s Heartland--New
Chengdu is one of the most affluent cities in China’s interior. It is very much open to U.S. foods and food ingredients.

Chongqing: An Underdeveloped Market in China’s Interior
Nested deep in China’s interior, Chongqing is an often-overlooked market with a growing appetite, and customer base, for a variety of foods. Processed and high-value products, mostly for Chongqing’s growing number of 5-star hotels, dominate the small but growing market for imported foods.

Market and Trade Data

Dalian: An Emerging Market in North China--New
Dalian, the Pearl of North China, is one of the country’s fastest growing economies and a gateway to its large, yet relatively untapped, northeast market. With its natural harbor, transportation facilities, highly developed industrial base, beautiful environs, and growing number of international trade shows and exhibitions, the city attracts more than 14 million recreational and business visitors annually. Ranked No. 1 in livability in a recent survey of more than 600 Chinese cities, Dalian is characterized by expanding retail and food service sectors and a market that offers a number of excellent opportunities for U.S. food and agricultural suppliers and trade associations.

Shanghai’s Logistics Infrastructure Paves Access for U.S. Produce
Since China joined the World Trade Organization, Shanghai has been reclaiming its status as a principal trade gateway to China, aided by a massive consumer base and superior logistics network.

Look for Kosher Niche in Brazil
Almost half of Brazil’s 100,000 Jewish consumers live in São Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro hosts a third. These cities are the best starting points for selling niche kosher food products.

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Last Modified: Monday, November 20, 2006