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Nevertheless, our decision here rests on Petitioner's  d(#failure to show that Lubliner could receive an acceptable quality signal, not on the orientation of the antenna used in the test.  Xd-  D.` ` Did the Bureau err with respect to Petitioner's failure to take measurements from inside of Lubliner's house?  X6-  X- 17.` ` Finally, Petitioner argues that it was "prejudicial and fundamentally erroneous" for  d(#zthe Bureau to hold that Potomac Ridge should have measured signal quality from Lubliner's  d(#home without first requesting that Potomac Ridge provide such measurements and then mandating" r-,x'x'  "  X- d(#<that Lubliner provide access to his home to Potomac Ridge.:.w {Oy-ԍId. at 67. : Petitioner alleges that the Bureau's  d(#Kfinding constitutes application of a new or existing policy or precedent that should be overturned  d(#or revised. Petitioner does not address why it did not attempt to measure signal quality from  d(#Lubliner's home prior to the Bureau's ruling, but states that three weeks after the Bureau issued  d(#its declaratory ruling, Petitioner requested Lubliner to provide access to his house for purposes  X-of conducting signal strength tests, and Lubliner did not respond to the request.;/Zw {O-ԍId. at 6 n.9.;  X_- 18.` ` Although it may not be necessary to conduct signal strength tests from within the  d(#house in question in every case, in this instance, Lubliner specifically alleged that signal reception  d(#Lfrom an antenna inside his home would be seriously attenuated by the aluminum siding on the  X - d(#exterior.V0 w {O-ԍSee Order slip op. at  5 and 13.V The Rule places the burden of demonstrating that an antenna restriction does not  d(#<preclude reception of an acceptable quality signal on the entity seeking to enforce the restriction.  d(#jThere may be any number of ways to demonstrate that a restriction does not impair, and we do  d(#not believe that it is either appropriate or necessary for the Bureau to mandate how a restricting  d(#entity should defend an antenna restriction. Potomac Ridge opted not to seek access to the  d(#Lubliner home as part of its defense of its antenna restriction, and did not indicate in its test  d(#[report whether the homes where the tests were conducted also had aluminum siding. Potomac  d(#Ridge did not meet its burden. If, in the course of preparing its response to the Lubliner petition,  d(#Potomac Ridge had requested access to Lubliner's house for the purpose of performing reasonable  d(#ysignal quality tests and Lubliner had refused access, then Petitioner might have had a basis for  d(#.a persuasive argument that it was prevented from effectively demonstrating that its restriction does not preclude reception of an acceptable quality signal.  X- 3'3'Standard3'3'StandardHPLAS5SI.PRSX\ (X  X- VI.Ordering Clauses  X- &19.` ` For the foregoing reasons, we hereby ORDER that the Potomac Ridge  X-Homeowners Association, Inc.'s Application for Review IS DENIED . ` `  hhCqFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION##   ` `  hhCqMagalie Roman Salas ` `  hhCqSecretary