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Wireless Cable  S- `  x5.` ` Multipoint Distribution Services ("MDS"), Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Services  x("MMDS"), and Instructional Television Fixed Services ("ITFS"), which use microwave frequencies to  S- x=transmit video programming to subscribers, commonly are referred to as wireless cable systems.   {O $- xZ#X\  P6G;P#эIn re Annual Assessment of the Status of Competition in the Market for the Delivery of Video Programming, Third Annual Report, CS Docket No. 96133, 12 FCC Rcd. 4358, 4386 n.152 (1997). Local  xMultipoint Distribution Service ("LMDS") also is a form of wireless cable. The specific characteristics  xof MDS, MMDS, ITFS, and LMDS signals require that wireless cable antennas be situated outdoors with"x ,`(`(88"  S-a direct lineofsight to the transmitter or repeater.&  {Oh- x#X\  P6G;P#эIn re Implementation of Sections of the Cable Television Consumer Protection Act of 1992; Rate Regulation,  xMM Docket No. 92266, Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 8 FCC Rcd. 5631, 5657  {O- xn.87 (1993); In re Amendment of Parts 21, 43, 74, 78, and 94 of the Commission's Rules Governing Use of the  xFrequencies in the 2.1 and 2.5 GHz Bands Affecting: Private OperationalFixed Microwave Service, Multipoint  {O- xDistribution Service, Instructional Television Fixed Service, and Cable Television Relay Service, Gen. Docket Nos. 9054, 80113, 5 FCC Rcd. 6410  23 (1990).&  S- IV.xThe Petition  S`- ` 3x6.` ` Petitioner, a wireless cable service provider, challenges Sections X and 12 of Morrison  xCreek's covenants, conditions, and restrictions, and, indirectly, challenges Section 1376 of the California  S- xyCivil Code, \F yO -#X\  P6G;P#эThat Section reads:  1Xx 1376. Restrictions on installation or use of video or television antenna; enforceability based on size; reasonable restrictions; application approval; attorneys's fees   Xx(a) Any covenant, condition, or restriction contained in any deed, contract, security instrument, or  ]other instrument affecting the transfer or sale of, or any interest in, a common interest development  that effectively prohibits or restricts the installation or use of a video or television antenna,  Oincluding a satellite dish, or that effectively prohibits or restricts the attachment of that antenna  to a structure within that development where the antenna is not visible from any street or common  oarea, except as otherwise prohibited or restricted by law, is void and unenforceable as to its  application to the installation or use of a video or television antenna that has a diameter or diagonal measurement of 36 inches or less.   $Xx(b) This section shall not apply to any covenant, condition, or restriction, as described in  osubdivision (a), that imposes reasonable restrictions on the installation or use of a video or  television antenna, including a satellite dish, that has a diameter or diagonal measurement of 36  inches or less. For purposes of this section, "reasonable restrictions" means those restrictions that  do not significantly increase the cost of the video or television antenna system, including all related equipment, or significantly decrease its efficiency or performance and include all of the following:  Xx` ` (1) Requirements for application and notice to the association prior to the installation.   ` p$Xx` ` (2) Requirement of the owner of a separate interest, as defined in Section 1351, to obtain  Pthe approval of the association for the installation of a video or television antenna that has a  {O~ - diameter or diagonal measurement of 36 inches or less on a separate interest owned [see #X\  P6G;P#Cal. Civil  {OH!-Code  1351(l)] by another.   ` pXx` ` (3) Provision for the maintenance, repair, or replacement of roofs or other building components.   ` p3Xx` ` (4) Requirements for installers of a video or television antenna to indemnify or reimburse  the association or its members for loss or damage caused by the installation, maintenance, or use of a video or television antenna that has a diameter or diagonal measurement of 36 inches or less.  "' ,`(`(("Ԍ 2Xx(c) Whenever approval is required for the installation or use of a video or television antenna,  including a satellite dish, the application for approval shall be processed by the appropriate  ^approving entity for the common interest development in the same manner as an application for  approval of an architectural modification to the property, and the issuance of a decision on the application shall not be willfully delayed.   Xx(d) In any action to enforce compliance with this section, the prevailing party shall be awarded reasonable attorney's fees.   yO-Cal. Civil Code  1376 (West 1997 Electronic Update). which it alleges Morrison Creek relies upon to buttress its restrictions. `  {O( -#X\  P6G;P#эWireless Broadcasting Systems of Sacramento, Inc. Petition at 4 ("Petition"). Sections X and 12"  ,`(`(88U" provide as follows:  ` pXx` ` X. Architecture. 1) Any exterior structural changes, including but not limited to  #greenhouse windows, patio covers, window safeguards, etc., must conform to the existing  architectures. 2) No antennas, fixed sports equipment installed on outside of building, or  psatellite dishes are allowed within the premises without prior approval of the HOA  S-[homeowners association].k  {O-#X\  P6G;P#эId. Attachment C at 2.k   ` pXx` ` Section 12. No Alterations or Antennas. In order to insure adequate aesthetic  `controls and to maintain the general attractive appearance of the Properties, no Owner,  resident or lessee shall, at his expense or otherwise, construct fences, walls, or make any  alterations, additions or modifications to or on any part or portion of the Common Areas  or exterior or interior surfaces of Units, or place or maintain any objects, such as  4television and radio antennas, flag poles or clotheslines or awnings, on or about the  exterior of any building within the project except as authorized by the Association. No  bwiring, insulation, air conditioning, plumbing or other construction, alteration or  improvements may be undertaken on [sic] any Owner or agent thereof in any Unit unless  SX-authorized by the Association.fX  {O|-#X\  P6G;P#эId. Attachment B.f   xZIn a letter to residents, dated June 21, 1996, Morrison Creek stated, in part, "The Association rules prohibit  S- xthe installation of antennas or satellite dishes on the exterior of the building."f {O -#X\  P6G;P#эId. Attachment D.f On November 7, 1996,  xMorrison Creek's General Manager sent a facsimile to a Pacific West Broadcasting System Engineer, in  xwhich he noted their previous conversation and pointed out, among other things, that Pacific West  xBroadcasting needed to "remove the equipment [antennas installed on roofs in Morrison Creek] at the  xlocations listed as soon as possible. If you are unable to comply with this request, by November 21, 1996,  S- xwe will contact Eastham Builders to remove the equipment."f {O`&-ԍ#X\  P6G;P#Id. Attachment A.f Attached to the facsimile were "a list of  xthe antennas currently installed on roofs in our homeowners association area, warning letter to resident,":,`(`(88"  S- x3 documents prohibiting antennas and dishes, and a copy of Assembly Bill 104[g {Oh-#X\  P6G;P#эSee supra note 12.g] addressing antennas  S-and dishes."qZ {O-ԍ#X\  P6G;P#Petition Attachment A.q  S- ` ox7.` ` Petitioner alleges that on or about April 15, 1997, Morrison Creek's agent "ordered and  x/orchestrated" the removal of its one meter or less in diameter or diagonal measurement wireless cable  S8- xzantennas from the Morrison Creek development.e8 {O -#X\  P6G;P#эPetition at 23.e It requests that we prohibit Morrison Creek from  xenforcing its covenants, conditions, and restrictions that relate to overtheair reception devices  xNencompassed by Section 1.4000 because they either prohibit antenna installation or require that a  xprospective antenna user seek and obtain Morrison Creek's approval before installing any one of these  S- xdevices.f~ {O-#X\  P6G;P#эId. at 35.f In addition, Petitioner states that Morrison Creek offers no "health, safety or historic  Sp- xjpreservation objective" in justification of its restrictions.cp {O -#X\  P6G;P#эPetition at 3.c Even if, Petitioner continues, Section 1376 of  xthe California Civil Code applies to this dispute, we should preempt those provision that are inconsistent  S - xwith Section 1.4000.e  {Ob-#X\  P6G;P#эId. at 4, 4 n.2.e Finally, Petitioner notes that Morrison Creek, which bears the burden of defending  S -the restrictions at issue, failed to justify its restrictions. 4  {O-#X\  P6G;P#эWireless Broadcasting Systems of Sacramento, Inc. Reply at 1 ("Reply").  S -  V.xComments  SX- ` 1x8.` ` BellSouth Corporation ("BellSouth"), Community Associations Institute ("CAI"), Consumer  xElectronics Manufacturers Association ("CEMA"), Pacific Bell Video Services ("Pacific Bell"), and  x Satellite Broadcasting and Communications Association ("SBCA") filed comments in support of the  xPetition. BellSouth, CAI, Pacific Bell, and SBCA maintain that Morrison Creek's restrictions conflict with  S- xSection 1.4000.  yO-#X\  P6G;P#эBellSouth Comments at 4; CAI Comments at 23; Pacific Bell Comments at 2; SBCA Comments at 12. Pacific Bell argues that Morrison Creek's reliance upon Section 1376 of the California  xCivil Code should not be condoned because that Section is "unenforceable to the extent that it deems a  Sh-prior approval requirement to be reasonable."jhV  yO^"-#X\  P6G;P#эPacific Bell Comments at 3.j  S- VI.xDiscussion  S-x` ` A. Prohibition of Antennas  Sx- ` x9.` ` We find that Morrison's Creek has enforced its covenants, conditions, and restrictions in"x,`(`(88"  xya manner that effectively prohibits the use of overtheair reception devices protected by Section 1.4000.  xWireless cable antennas of the sort that Petitioner uses operate on direct lineofsight with the transmitter  xMor repeater and given current technology require an unobstructed view of the transmitter or repeater.  S- x.Morrison Creek's prohibition violates the Rule because it "prevents" installation, maintenance, or use of  S`- xthe antennas and, thereby, "precludes reception of an acceptable quality signal."` yO-#X\  P6G;P#э#X\  P6G;P#47 C.F.R.  1.4000(a). The burden of justifying  xMthe outright prohibition of antennas lies with Morrison Creek; it has chosen not to participate in this proceeding. We find no support in the record for upholding this prohibition.  S-x` ` B. Prior Approval of Antennas  Sp- ` Bx 10.` ` Notwithstanding its prohibition of overtheair reception devices protected by Section  x1.4000, Morrison Creek's covenants, conditions, and restrictions reveal that antenna installation may be  xjacceptable pursuant to Morrison Creek's unspecified authorization process. The preamble to Section 12  xstates that Morrison Creek's restrictions were enacted "[i]n order to insure adequate aesthetic controls and  S - x>to maintain the general attractive appearance of the Properties. . . ."g X {O-#X\  P6G;P#эSee supra note 15.g Although the Commission has  xpreserved the restricting entity's right to consider aesthetic factors when promulgating antenna placement  S -restrictions,  {O -#X\  P6G;P#э#X\  P6G;P#Report and Order at 19288  1920. aesthetic factors may not justify a prior approval process.  S0- ` ox 11.` ` A prior approval process is impermissible unless it is necessary for bona fide safety or  S- xLhistoric preservation considerations.~| {O$- x#X\  P6G;P#эId. at 19287  17. #X\  P6G;P#For a detailed analysis of prior approval, see In re Star Lambert and SBCA, CSR4913O,  yO-Memorandum Opinion and Order, slip op. at 1214  2830 (July 22, 1997).~ In the instant case, the record reveals neither a safety nor historic  xpreservation justification for Morrison Creek's authorization process. Accordingly, we find Morrison Creek's authorization process impermissible under the Rule.  Sh-x` ` C. Section 1376 of the California Civil Code  S- ` x 12.` ` Petitioner alleges that Morrison Creek attached a copy of Assembly Bill 104 (Section 1376  S- xof the California Civil Code)l {Of-#X\  P6G;P#эSee supra notes 12, 19.l to a facsimile that directed a Pacific West Broadcasting System Engineer  xLto remove that firm's antennas from properties located in Morrison Creek and stated that if Pacific West  xdid not act, Morrison Creek would have the equipment removed. Although Morrison Creek referenced  x Section 1376 in its facsimile correspondence, we will not address that Section here because, as noted above, Morrison Creek's restrictions impermissibly conflict with the Rule, which controls in this instance.  S- VIII.xOrdering Clauses  S-  S- ` 3x 13.` ` Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED , pursuant to Section 1.4000(d) of the OvertheAir  xReception Devices Rule, 47 C.F.R.  1.4000(d), and Section 1.2 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. "h ,`(`(88"  xj1.2, that Section X and Section 12 of Morrison Creek Homeowner's Association's covenants, conditions,  xand restrictions are hereby prohibited and unenforceable to the extent that they impair the installation,  xLmaintenance, or use of overtheair reception antennas protected by 47 C.F.R.  1.4000 and as discussed herein.  S8- ` x 14. ` ` This action is taken by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau, pursuant to authority delegated by Section 0.321 of the Commission's rules. 47 C.F.R.  0.321. x` `  hhFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION x` `  hhMeredith J. Jones x` `  hhChief, Cable Services Bureau X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: