Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. NAI General Meeting Abstracts

    Historically, NAI General Meetings have been hosted by NAI Teams at or near their home institutions (e.g.,Carnegie Institution of Washington in 2001, Arizona State University in 2003, and University of Colorado Boulder in 2005). The NAI chose not to hold an NAI General Meeting in 2007, organizing instead a strategic planning workshop held in January of that year. Dates and location for the next NAI General Meeting have not been set. Abstracts from past meetings are available at the locations posted below.

    • General Meeting of the NASA Astrobiology Institute. April 10-14, 2005.
      University of Colorado, Boulder.
      Meeting site has ownloadable abstracts.
    • General Meeting of the NASA Astrobiology Institute. February 10-12, 2003.
      Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
      Meeting site has downloadable program book with abstracts.
    • General Meeting of the NASA Astrobiology Institute. April 10-12, 2001.
      Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, DC.
      Meeting site has program book with abstracts.