Topics in Modern Physics
Teacher Resource Book Sampler

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Download the revised Topics in Modern Physics Teacher Resource Book. This volume contains some but not all of the activities in the original edition.

Particle physics addresses the question "How does the universe work?" This question can be subdivided as "What are the basic particles?" and "What are the basic forces?" Today, answers to these questions have come together as the Standard Model. Since 1987 the Topics in Modern Physics (TMP) project has brought together Fermilab physicists and high school physics teachers to produce and disseminate materials that allow the "sprinkling" of these modern physics ideas into the high school program. TMP uses the excitement of today's "frontier" developments in particle physics as the stimulus for student pursuit of other areas of physics.

This loose-leaf resource book contains five sections.

Special thanks must be given to several parties who have been instrumental in helping to make this project a reality. Thanks go to the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy Office of Energy Research, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, and the Friends of Fermilab. The encouragement and support of Marjorie Bardeen and Stanka Jovanovic are greatly appreciated. We thank former director Dr. Leon Lederman, present director Dr. John Peoples, the physicists and staff at Fermilab for their professional and technical assistance. Finally, thanks to the participants in the Conference on Teaching Modern Physics for their ideas and inspiration, and especially to the contributors whose work appears in this resource.

  • William Conway, Lake Forest High School, Lake Forest, IL
  • Robert Grimm, Fremd High School, Palatine, IL
  • Ward Haselhorst, Proviso East High School, Maywood, IL
  • JoAnn Johnson, Wheaton North High School, Wheaton, IL
  • Patrick LaMaster, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, Aurora, IL
  • James Ruebush, St. Charles High School, St. Charles, IL
  • Walter Schearer, Glenbard North High School, Carol Stream, IL
  • Brian Wegley, St. Charles High School, St. Charles, IL
We would also like to thank the physicists who helped us "get the physics right."