Estimated food security conditions, 3rd Quarter 2009 (July-September)
  • Generally Food Secure
  • Moderately Food Insecure
  • Highly Food Insecure
  • Extremely Food Insecure
  • Famine
  • No Data
  • Favorable Conditions
  • Somewhat Favorable Conditions
  • Short Term Dryness
  • Drought
  • Severe Drought
  • Humanitarian Concern
  • Extreme Event
  • Heavy Snow
  • Heavy Rain
  • Flooding
  • Blowing Dust
  • Extreme Cold
  • Extreme Heat


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West Africa


  • Food security conditions are stable in most areas of the country. However, significant pockets of food insecurity have emerged in the coastal areas of the So  ... more

Southern Africa


  • Food security across the country has greatly improved with the arrival of the new harvest. Most households now have access to their own produced food. Howeve  ... more



  • The spring harvest, which peaked in mid-July, is expected to be approximately 25 percent greater than last year’s harvest for the same growing season. This h  ... more

East Africa


  • The delay in the establishment of the Karan/Karma season is disrupting livestock migration patterns, and heightening the risk of highly food insecure pockets  ... more

Central America


  • The food security situation will improve throughout the country with the primera harvest, except for some municipalities in the east and the Pacific coast, w  ... more

Central Asia


  • Although eight million people suffered from varying levels of food insecurity in 2008, currently, households throughout the country are generally food secure  ... more

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Exec Overview Brief

Most Recent: 07/31/2009
Previous: 06/30/2009


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Poor start of kiremt season in Ethiopia
Poor harvest in Acholi region

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