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About: Standard Reference Data (SRD)

Standard Reference Data Act of 1968 (PL 90-396)

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NIST Online Databases
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OnlineDescriptions Descriptions

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Online Subscription Databases

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SRD Database Numbering System

NIST Databases Indexed by Discipline
Analytical Analytical Chemistry
Atomic/Physics Atomic and Molecular Physics
Biometrics Biometrics
Biotechnology Biotechnology
Chemical/Crystal Chemical and Crystal Structure
Kinetics Chemical Kinetics
Chemistry Chemistry
Communications Communications
Construction Construction
Construction Data Security
Environmental Data Environmental Data
Fire Fire
Fluid Fluids
International Trade International Trade
Law Enforcement Law Enforcement
Materials Properties Materials Properties
Mathematical Databases Mathematical Databases, Software and Tools
Optical Character Recognition Optical Character Recognition
Optical Character Recognition Physics
Product Design Product Design
Surface Data Surface Data
Text and Video Retrieval Text and Video Retrieval
Thermophysical & Thermochemical Thermophysical & Thermochemical

Related Information
JPCRD CODATA - Committee on Data for Science and Technology
FAQ Exhibits at Upcoming Conferences

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Create Date: 06/19/02
Last Update: Wednesday, 13-Feb-2008 11:40:31 EST
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The NIST Data Gateway
Data Gateway NIST Data Gateway-provides easy access to many (currently over 80) of the NIST scientific and technical databases. These databases cover a broad range of substances and properties from many different scientific disciplines. The Gateway includes links to free online NIST data systems as well as to information on NIST PC databases available for purchase.

To use the Gateway, select one of the following search options:
Substance Name

Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data (JPCRD) is published by the American Institute of Physics (AIP) for NIST. The objective of the Journal is to provide critically evaluated physical and chemical property data, fully documented as to the original sources and the criteria used for evaluation.
Atomic Spectra Database Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data
Codata JPCRD Reprints
NIST Ceramics WebBook JPCRD Monographs and Supplements

The National Standard Reference Data System (NSRDS-NBS) provides access to the quantitative data of physical sciences, critically evaluated and compiled.
Atomic Spectra Database National Standard Reference Data Series (NSRDS)

Quick List:
Atomic Spectra Database Atomic Spectra Database
Codata CODATA Fundamental Physical Constants
NIST Ceramics WebBook NIST Ceramics WebBook
NIST Chemistry WebBook NIST Chemistry WebBook
Physical Reference Data Physical Reference Data

Important NIST Links
Technology Services Technology Services
Calibration Calibration Services
Standard Reference Materials Standard Reference Materials®
Traceability Traceability
International Comparisons International Comparisons Database

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What's New in NIST Data

Chem-Blast Gateway for PDB Ligands

NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Database NIST 08

Click here for a list of our distributors.

NIST Standard Reference
Subscription Database 1
NIST X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Database: Version 4.0

NIST Standard Reference
Subscription Database 2
Web Thermo Tables
(WTT) - Lite Edition

NIST Standard Reference
Subscription Database 3
Web Thermo Tables
(WTT) - Professional Edition

NIST Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties-REFPROP

REFPROP Version 8.0 represents a major revision and upgrade of this important database.

Improved online Ordering

New and Updated SRD Databases



Standard Reference Data Program
Technical/Website inquiries:
Contact Us
Phone (301) 975-2208
          (301) 975-2200
Fax (301) 926-0416

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Stop 2300,
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2300




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