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Looking for our KID FRIENDLY exhibit list?

Kid Friendly Exhibit Name Location Display Description
Great for KIDS! Topo Salad Trays Building 1, Room 1103 These are clear-plastic trays with a contour line drawn on each tray. Stack the trays on top of one another to see 3-D models of landforms and undersea features.
  Under San Francisco Bay Building 1, Room 1110 View posters and a computer flythrough of topography beneath the waves of San Francisco Bay and just outside the Golden Gate.  Inspect samples of sediment from the Bay.  http://pubs.usgs.gov/circ/2004/c1259
  Fly Over the Seafloor Building 1, Room 1127 Imagine that the water has been drained away to expose the floor of San Francisco Bay, the bed of Lake Tahoe, the seafloor off San Diego, and many more areas. Then enjoy virtual flights over the underwater terrain as revealed by USGS bathymetric data. http://walrus.wr.usgs.gov/pacmaps/
Great for KIDS! Microfossils, Volcanic Ash, and Tree Rings – Oh My! Building 1, Room 1129 (1) Use microscopes and magnifiers to view microfossils, volcanic ash, tree-rings, and mudstones. (2) Handle equipment used to collect and analyze these samples. (3) Learn how scientists use microfossils, sediment, and rock samples to increase our understanding of climate change; the timing, magnitude and environmental impact of geologic events, such as volcanic eruptions; and the origin of mudstones/petroleum source rocks.
Great for KIDS! Dress Like a Marine Geologist Building 1, Room 1134 Put on the field attire of your choice--a life jacket, a hard hat, a survival suit, maybe an aloha shirt--and get photographed in front of a green screen. Choose a backdrop photo, and visit the Web later to see yourself as a marine scientist doing research at sea. 
  Using Geophysics to Explore the Earth Below Building 2 Courtyard



  USGS - NASA Geologic Robotic Surveying Building 2 Courtyard  
  Pinnacles National Park Building 2 Courtyard NPS staff will be present with WESP Team during the Open House
  3D Geologic Maps - Looking Down into the Earth Building 2 Courtyard  
  Antique Geophysical and Surveying Equipment Building 2 Courtyard  
  Circum-Arctic Resources: Energy and the Environment North of the Arctic Circle Building 2 Courtyard http://energy.usgs.gov/arctic
Great for KIDS! Colorado River Basin: Stories from Old Western Gravels Bars Building 2 Courtyard Examine gravel from each of the major tributaries of the Colorado River. See rocks, fossils, fossil tracks, maps, and historic and modern 3D photography that tell the geologic story of the region. 
  Creatures of the Arizona Desert Dust Building 2 Courtyard Infrequent desert rains cause sand-filled shallow potholes to suddenly spring to life. Examine living vernal pool invertebrates from the rim rock of the Southern Colorado Plateau.
  Erosion Studies in Hawaii Building 2 Courtyard  
Great for KIDS! Erosion....Arrrh! Building 2 Courtyard Watch erosion slowly wipe out a den of plastic pirates on an island of pebbles, sand and silt (hands on exhibit).
  Faults in the Mojave Desert: Past, Present and Future Building 2 Courtyard  
  Geologic Map of Seattle Building 2 Courtyard  
  Geologic Map of the Grand Canyon Region Building 2 Courtyard  
  Geologic Record of the Colorado River Below the Grand Canyon - Some Possible Climate Connections Building 2 Courtyard  
Great for KIDS! Geology of National Parks Building 2 Courtyard A limited supply of 3D posters and 3D glasses for Open House guests: 3D photographic exhibit.  Quiz Website - http://3dparks.wr.usgs.gov
  Geology of the North Cascades, Washington: Rocks for the Traveler Building 2 Courtyard  
  Geology of the San Francisco Bay Region Building 2 Courtyard  
  Geophysical Setting of the 2008 M6 Wells Earthquake, Northeast, Nevada Building 2 Courtyard  
Great for KIDS! Hardness of Minerals Building 2 Courtyard Test the hardness of minerals (hands on activity)
  Mapping Earth History with an Airborne Laser Rangefinder: Deglaciation of the Puget Lowland Building 2 Courtyard  
  Segmentation of the Hayward Fault and Earthquake Hazards  Building 2 Courtyard  
  The WESP Geologic Mapping Program Building 2 Courtyard  
  Understanding Desert Ecosystems Building 2 Courtyard  
  Vents in the City - The Volcanoes of Portland, OR Building 2 Courtyard  
  Western Washington Faults Leave Geophysical Scars Building 2 Courtyard New airborne measurements of the Earth's magnetic field highlight faults, folds, and other geologic structures in both the Puget Lowland and Eastern Washington.  A tantalizing "anomaly" in these new measurements hints at a possible fault connection through the Cascade Range of Washington.
  GeoKids Flagpole Circle Souvenir sales (t-shirts, minerals, mugs and more!) and snacks.  http://geokids.org 
  Greening Efforts at GSA Flagpole Circle Staffed posters and handouts.
  USGS Green Team Flagpole Circle Staffed posters and information about recycling at the USGS.
Great for KIDS! Menlo Park Fire Department Flagpole Circle Come and visit with the Menlo Park Fire Department and see the fire engines.
  Imaging the Ocean Floor Building 3, Room 118 Sidescan-sonar "fish" used to collect sea-floor images. Computer will play back data collected during earlier field activities. 
Great for KIDS! Mid-Ocean Ridges Building 3, Room 118 Imagine what it's like to descend to the deep sea in a submersible. View videos of deep-sea hot springs at mid-ocean spreading ridges. See samples of mineral sprecipitated from the hot water and weird animals that live around the springs. 
  Science Resources for Teachers Building 3, Room 118 California Science Standards and helpful handouts, paper models, etc. 
Great for KIDS! Wild Science:  Explore the natural world through hands-on science with Coyote Point Museum. Building 3, Room 118 Hands-on science activities (facilitated by museum staff). We’re planning on bringing a variety of different activities.  http://www.coyoteptmuseum.org
  Reflection of the Past-Vision for the Future: Imaging and Remote Sensing for a Changing World Building 3, Room 118 Hands-on digital remote sensing and GIS data manipulation, posters,video presentation, displays.  http://asprs.org
  USGS Publications- Getting the Results of Our Research to the Public Building 3, Room 118 A staffed display of USGS publications including books and maps.  http://geopubs.wr.usgs.gov
  Where is my Copper Deposit? An Underground Mine Tour Building 3, Room 118 Examine the geology of a copper deposit in an underground mine and help determine where to dig next. http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2009/1034
  Map and Publication Sales - California Geological Survey and USGS Building 3, Room 121 Purchase CGS and USGS publications and maps (including topographic maps, geologic maps, national park maps, earthquake maps, and much more!).
  National Land Cover Trends Project: A Perspective of Change Using Landsat Satellite Imagery Building 3, Room 237 http://landcovertrends.usgs.gov/
  Presentation Theatre Building 3, Room 240 Come see presentations on Bay Area earthquake probability, tsunamis, sea otters, and much, much more!
  The Hayward Fault - Is it due for a repeat of the 1868 Earthquake? Building 3, first floor, Visitors Center http://earthquake.usgs.gov
  Visualization from Computer Simulations of Major Bay Area Earthquakes Building 3, first floor, Visitors Center See the distribution of shaking from past and anticipated future earthquakes in the San Francisco Bay Area. 
  Deep Drilling to Study Earthquakes & Geothermal Energy Building 3 - Outside Wire line well logging truck to run instruments to 14,000 ft. Posters, photos, and laboratory samples demonstrate the type of work done in Parkfield, CA.
Great for KIDS! Earthquake Fault Board Model and PC Seismograph Building 3 - Outside Demonstration that shows what happens when a fault slips. 
  How GPS is used to study deformation of the Earth's crust near earthquake faults and volcanoes Building 3 - Outside Display of equipment used in the field, maps of where the measurements are made, a computer showing the online data and a demonstration of crustal strain buildup and release.      
  Measuring the movement of the Earth's surface caused by Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Landslides using Radar from Orbiting Satellites Building 3 - Outside



  Pipeline, Faults, and Quakes Building 3 - Outside Demonstration that shows how pipelines (lifelines) can be engineered to withstand a major fault rupture with meters of displacement. 
  Real-Time Seismograph Building 3 - Outside http://earthquake.usgs.gov
  Digits and Printer's Ink- How USGS Science is Released Building 3 - Outside Staffed poster
Great for KIDS! Gold Panning Building 3 - Outside Learn how to pan for gold and try your hand at panning at this "pan and release" exhibit.
  "Shocking" Views of Water Beneath our Feet Building 3 - Outside http://wwwrcamnl.wr.usgs.gov/uzf
Great for KIDS! Mount Diablo Surveyors Historical Society Building 3 - Outside Hands-on staffed display of historical surveying and mapping instrumentation.  http://mdshs.org
  Public Service Careers for Artists Building 3 - Outside Put your creative skills to work at the USGS.    
Great for KIDS! Natural Science Geopardy Building 15 - Library A unique opportunity for you to test your natural science knowledge. Play a game of Geopardy and learn science facts of Geography, Hydrology, Geology, and more.  http://library.usgs.gov  http://www.usgs.gov/pubprod
  Rocks of the San Francisco Bay Area Building 15 - Library This self-guided exhibit offers a fun quiz that you can use to test your knowledge of SF Bay Area geology.
  Our Fragile Earth: Climate Change Building 15 - Library Hands-on, poster, handouts, display of Library Publications and the movie "An Inconvenient Truth"
Great for KIDS! How Clean is Clean?  Building 15 - first floor Using a salinity meter, kids try to guess which water is which (ocean, bay, tap water, bottled water, high-purity lab water). 
  You Are What You Eat Building 15 - first floor Staffed Poster
  Adventures in Geochemistry Building 15 - first floor Hands-on, posters.
  Invertebrate Animals Can Speak! If Only We'd Listen! Building 15 - second floor Hands-on http://wwwrcamnl.wr.usgs.gov/tracel/
  Toxic Metals and Groundwater Building 15 - second floor  
  40 Years of Water Quality Data in San Francisco Bay Building 15 - second floor Hands-on
Great for KIDS! USGS Streamgaging Program Building 15 - Outside  Hands-on - Come learn about the USGS Streamgaging Program 
Great for KIDS! National Water Quality Assessment Program and Groundwater Model Building 15 - Outside  Hands on - water quality truck
  Do soils breathe? The role of soils and CO2 in a warming world. Building 15 - Outside  Did you know that the microbes in soil breathe out CO2, just like people do?  Come use some scientific equipment to measure how much CO2 can released by soils and see how plants take up some of that same CO2.  Then learn more about the role of CO2 in regulating the global climate and see what makes the soils of Alaska so interesting to USGS scientists.
  Carbon Capture Wetland Farming: A win-win-win for water and greenhouse gas management in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Building 15 - Outside http://ca.water.usgs.gov/Carbon_Farm/
  Paleomagnetism Laboratory: Reading Geologic History from Rock Magnetism Building 16  
  The State's Geology, Resources, and Hazards Earthquake Country Tent California seismic hazard assessment and zoning products, as well as geologic maps, mineral resources and hazards maps. 
  1989 and 1906: A Tale of Two Earthquakes Earthquake Country Tent Photo Comparison of effects of the 1989 and 1906 earthquakes showing how much more damaging the 1906 earthquake was. 
  20 Years: M6.9, October 17, 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake Earthquake Country Tent Loma Prieta was not the Big One.  Remembering Loma Prieta nearly 20 years ago. 
  Earthquake Fossils - Paleoseismology on the San Andreas Fault Earthquake Country Tent Come see actual slices of the San Andreas Fault
  Earthquake Program Website Earthquake Country Tent Learn more about the Earthquake Program and the online resources available.  http://earthquake.usgs.gov
  How Close to a Fault do you Live? Earthquake Country Tent See how close you live to an earthquake fault. 
  LIDAR: Illuminating Northern California's Active Faults Earthquake Country Tent Poster and computer showing LIDAR data and its use in studying active earthquake faults. 
Great for KIDS! Make Your Own Earthquake Earthquake Country Tent Display will show ground motion that visitors create in real-time. 
  The Great 1906 Quake Earthquake Country Tent The USGS response to the earthquake.  Photo gallery
  Are you Ready for the Next Big Earthquake? Earthquake Country Tent Steps you can take when the next earthquake strikes.
  Bay Area Earthquake Alliance Earthquake Country Tent Share your Loma Prieta stories online. Join the Statewide Earthquake Drill on October 15, 2009. 
  Earthquake Instruments Earthquake Country Tent Display of seismic monitoring instruments and real-time data waveforms from around the state of California. 
  NetQuakes! Earthquake Country Tent Demonstration of a new earthquake instrument designed to go into homes and send data to the USGS over the internet. 
  Virtual tour of Earthquakes & Faults in the Bay Area Earthquake Country Tent See where the earthquake happen and take a virtual tour of earthquake faults in the San Francisco Bay area.
  FEMA - Prepared, Responsive, Committed Earthquake Country Tent Learn more about preparedness and the role of FEMA Region IX. 
Great for KIDS! Gas and Electricity Safety Earthquake Country Tent Demonstration showing the importance of gas and electric safety at home.
  Red Cross Earthquake Country Tent http://www.bayarea-redcross.org/pba
  Home Disaster Preparedness Supplies Earthquake Country Tent Prepare your home, school, business, and institution for safety and security supplies. http://yoursafetyplace.com
  When Bad Things Happen to Good Equipment Earthquake Country Tent
Samples and photos of earthquake monitoring equipment that have suffered from natural trauma in the field.
Great for KIDS! The Big Shaker Trailer - Largest EQ Simulator Outside near Earthquake Country Tent First Steps to Earthquake Safety - See "The Big Earthquake Shaker" in Action!  http://quakehold.com
  Live Music Lawn area outside Building 1 Live music 
  LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) Volcanoes, Coasts, and Oceans tent Use laser light bounced off surfaces to create a 3D image of a person or object. 
Great for KIDS! Submarine Landslides Can Cause Destructive Tsunamis Volcanoes, Coasts, and Oceans tent Create a landslide (slide a weight down a ramp into a tub of water) that triggers a "tsunami," and watch the wave wash away structures on a "coastline" at the other end of the tub. 
  Using Current Drifters to Track Coral Larvae in Hawai‘i  Volcanoes, Coasts, and Oceans tent Look at current drifters and their components; learn how they were used to track dispersal of coral larvae in Hawaiian waters; learn about other USGS research to better understand Hawai‘i’s coral reef ecosystems.  http://coralreefs.wr.usgs.gov; http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2007/5101; http://soundwaves.usgs.gov/2003/08/
  Camera Sled—Video and Photographs to Groundtruth Seafloor Data Volcanoes, Coasts, and Oceans tent View large metal frame holding lights, batteries, and video and still cameras towed just above the seafloor. View seafloor video footage, multibeam echosounder data “groundtruthed” by the video, and resulting maps of seafloor types.
Great for KIDS! Be a Field Assistant Volcanoes, Coasts, and Oceans tent Use a topographic map to find your field site and a place to camp. Examine volcanologist field materials.
  Geology and Art Volcanoes, Coasts, and Oceans tent Demonstration of art created from pictures of geologists in the field.
  Our Erupting Volcanoes (Kilauea and Redoubt) Volcanoes, Coasts, and Oceans tent Learn about the recent eruptions of Kilauea in Hawaii and Redoubt in Alaska and how we monitor volcanoes. Touch Hawaiian rocks and view ash.
Great for KIDS! Plate Tectonics Puzzle Volcanoes, Coasts, and Oceans tent Piece the continents back together using fossil evidence.
  U.S. Supervolcanoes Volcanoes, Coasts, and Oceans tent Learn about how we monitor and study Yellowstone and Long Valley Caldera. Example of how calderas form. What type of activity might we see in the future?
  Why do we care about the CO2? Volcanoes, Coasts, and Oceans tent Learn about volcanic gases and why it's important to monitor them. See a CO2 experiment.
Great for KIDS! Sequoia—Bald Eagle from San Francisco Zoo In (or near) the Volcanoes, Coasts and Oceans tent View a live bald eagle, Sequoia, from the San Francisco Zoo (damaged tail prevents her from living in the wild). Exposure to pesticides such as DDT threatened bald eagles by causing them to lay eggs with very weak shells. After the U.S. restricted DDT use in 1972, bald eagles have made a steady recovery. NOAA, USGS, and other partners are working together to remediate DDT-contaminated sediment off southern California, and bald eagles have resumed nesting in the Channel Islands.
Great for KIDS! Sea Otter Research Outside (west of) Volcanoes, Coasts and Oceans tent Hands-on materials (pelts, skulls, teeth, etc.) plus some sea otter research tools (radio transmitter and receiver/antenna, time-depth recorder, etc.). Display will highlight current research projects and methods, focusing on topical conservation issues, and will include a telemetry tracking game.  http://www.werc.usgs.gov/otters/
  Ask a Geologist - Volcanic Rocks and Rocks of the Bay Area Outside Volcanoes, Coasts and Oceans tent Hands-on display of volcanic rocks and rocks from the Bay Area.
Great for KIDS! Explore with the California Academy of Sciences Outside Volcanoes, Coasts and Oceans tent Join the California Academy of Sciences in exploring the world around us. Hands-on activities from the teacher classroom kits. 
Great for KIDS! Explore with The Tech Museum Outside Volcanoes, Coasts and Oceans tent Join The Tech in exploring science and engineering. Build a boat out of aluminum foil and see how many marbles it can carry. Make a model rocket. Only available on Saturday and Sunday.
Great for KIDS! Jon Boat--Flat-Bottomed Boat Designed for Shallow-Water Mapping NE of Volcanoes, Coasts and Oceans tent Climb into the flat-bottomed Jon Boat and pretend you are a USGS scientist mapping the sea floor in very shallow water. Don’t forget to put on your life vest!




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