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NOTE: These Announcements Are Now Closed

NCI welcomes applications for Administrative Supplements, that are consistent with the goals of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. These opportunities are among several being offered by NIH to help fulfill the goals of the ARRA to help stimulate the economy through support of biomedical and behavioral research. Additional information on the Recovery Act and related NIH opportunities is available through the Office of Extramural Research.

NOT-OD-09-056 - Availability of Recovery Act Funds for Administrative Supplements

Grantees with active NIH research grants may request administrative supplements to accelerate the tempo of scientific research on active grants. Specific areas of interest include: equipment purchases, increasing clinical trials enrollment and capacity for data analysis, research employment opportunities, and comparative effectiveness research.

The NCI expects to devote at least $10,000,000 to this ARRA supplement program. Also, for this initiative, NCI will accept requests from all types of grants (activity codes) unless otherwise noted in the NCI general guidance section. Award decisions will be made based upon 1) adherence to the economic stimulus goals of the ARRA, 2) scientific impact of the proposed research that falls within the scope of an NCI funded project, and 3) reasonableness of requested costs. For more information and application instructions see

NCI General Guidance for ARRA Funded Administrative Supplements

NCI Program Specific Guidance for ARRA Funded Administrative Supplements

NCI General Guidance for ARRA Funded Administrative Supplements

Administrative supplements will be considered for research that falls within the scope of an NCI funded grant. In addition to the requirements detailed in the NIH notice, NOT-OD-09-056, the following special guidance and restrictions applies to all administrative supplements submitted to the National Cancer Institute.

  • NCI has provided special guidance and instructions for certain administrative supplement opportunities. In instances where the program specific guidance differs from the general guidance, the program specific guidance takes precedence.
  • PI's are only allowed to request one supplement for each funding mechanism. For example, if you have an RO1 and a PO1, you could apply for two administrative supplements. But, if you have 3 RO1's, you are only permitted to apply for an administrative supplement to one of them. Applicants may request administrative supplements for up to two years of funding. The direct costs of the supplement may not exceed 50% of the average annual direct costs for all years of the award period. Preference will be given to requests of $100,000 or less. The direct cost limit is exclusive of costs for new equipment needed specifically for the administrative supplement request.
  • NCI will also be accepting administrative supplement requests solely for small equipment (<$100K) purchases. These requests should be submitted separately and will not count against the limit of one application per grant mechanism per PI. Note: If the equipment is part of an administrative supplement request that includes personnel and/or operating expenses, the two requests should be submitted together.
  • In addition to the application submission requirements specified in NOT-OD-09-056, requests should include information on estimated unexpended balances in the grant. Unobligated balances in the current grant will be considered in NCI's evaluation of the supplement request.
  • Challenge Grants (whether funded by NIH or NCI) will not be eligible for supplement funding.
  • New and competing renewal applications funded in FY 2009 will not be eligible for administrative supplements in FY 2009.
  • T32 grants are eligible only if the number of trainee positions after supplementation will not exceed the NCAB approved number of trainee positions. (See specific guidance section - Cancer Training Opportunities)
  • Mechanisms not eligible: F32, F33, K12, NCI Institutional Cancer Education and Career Development (R25) or R25T programs, U13 and R13.
  • For K99 Awards, as part of the ARRA Administrative Supplement Program, NCI is offering an additional year of full support to the K99 phase of a K99/R00 award in its final year of the K99 phase, if it is determined that an additional year of K99 support is needed. Although the K99/R00 is a 5-year maximum program, we are pleased to announce that OPERA has obtained HHS approval to allow this award to extend to 6 years. Here are a few key points to note however:
    • This is a one-time deviation for ARRA supplements only; this deviation does NOT extend to funding from the regular NIH appropriation.
    • This deviation is for only one additional year, and only for the K99 phase.
    • The additional year will be awarded as a K99 T-3 to the final year of the K99 phase under all the established ARRA business processes.
    • We do not have the same flexibility with ARRA funds that we do with regular appropriation funds. Therefore, funding this additional year could delay the ICs ability to fund the T-4 R00 phase, unless the remaining K99 funds are relinquished.
    • Funds remaining in the T-3 funded with ARRA money will NOT be available for carryover into the R00 phase.
  • Funding priority will be given to those applications addressing ARRA goals of hiring and preserving jobs and accelerating the tempo of scientific research on active grants. All applications must clearly specify the purpose/projects for which funds are to be used.

Application Receipt Date: Applications for general administrative supplements for FY 2009 funding must be submitted no later than June 1, 2009. Depending upon the availability of funds, NCI may be accepting applications for administrative supplements in FY 2010. Tentative receipt dates for possible FY 2010 funding are January 1 and May 1, 2010.

Submission of an Administrative Supplement Application: All requests for administrative supplements should follow the instructions for "Preparing an Administrative Supplement Request" included in the NIH notice, NOT-OD-056.

Timeline for Review of Administrative Supplements: For FY 2009: Administrative supplement applications will be reviewed internally by the end of August with notification of award by September 30, 2009.

Address for Sending Administrative Supplement: Requests for Administrative Supplements should be submitted to Mr. Bryan Baker. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit applications electronically as a scanned, signed .pdf via e-mail to Only if necessary, applications may also be submitted in hard copy.

The Office of Grants Administration, NCI address for all U.S. postal service mail, including U.S. Post Office Express Mail is:

Office of Grants Administration, NCI
Executive Plaza South, Suite T-44
6120 Executive Blvd.
Bethesda, MD 20892

The Office of Grants Administration, NCI address for mail sent private "over night" delivery services should be addressed to:

Office of Grants Administration, NCI
Executive Plaza South, Suite T-44
6120 Executive Blvd.
Rockville, MD 20852

Contact Information: Please contact the Program Director assigned to the parent grant for questions related to scientific or programmatic content and to determine if the supplement fits within the approved scope of the project.

Please contact the Grants Management Specialist assigned to the parent grant for questions related to administrative or budgetary requirements specific to the grant being supplement. General administrative questions regarding ARRA funds should be directed to Ms. Crystal Wolfrey at or via phone at 301-496-8634.

NCI Program Specific Guidance for ARRA Funded Administrative Supplements

Cancer Center Support Grants (CCSG)

Mechanism: P30

Eligibility: The parent grant must be active at the time the application is submitted, and the activity proposed in the revision must be accomplished within the current competitive segment. The proposed supplement must be within the general scope of the peer-reviewed activities and aims approved within the parent grant, including projects on a no-cost extension; while supplemental funds may be awarded to grants during a no-cost extension, the period of support cannot extend beyond the award period for the additional time that was granted.

Examples of supplemental awards include, but are not limited to:

  • Equipment purchases (costing under $100,000) for existing peer-reviewed or developmental shared resources that clearly enhance /accelerate scientific productivity within the Center.
  • Enhancing the activities of the center's clinical trials enterprise, including increasing enrollment and the capacity for more rapid completion of trials, including multi-center trials.
  • Pilot research project initiatives that leverage/build upon existing center aims and objectives by increasing their value or taking advantage of new opportunities, including collaborative efforts involving other institutions.
  • Comparative effectiveness research.

Receipt date: May 4, 2009

Contact Persons: Please contact the Program Director and/or grants management specialist assigned to the parent grant (listed on the Notice of Award) you want to supplement.

Cancer Training Opportunities

Mechanisms: T32, K01, K05, K07, K08, K22, K23, K24, K25, and K99 phase of the K99/R00. NCI Cancer Education (R25) or R25E.

Eligibility: T32 grants are eligible only if the number of trainee positions after supplementation will not exceed the NCAB approved number of trainee positions. F32 F33, K12 and The NCI Institutional Cancer Education and Career Development (R25) or R25T programs are not eligible. A PD/PI may not be awarded both an Administrative Supplement and a Competitive Revision Supplement under NOT-OD-09-058.

Selection Factors: In addition to the factors described in NOT-OD-09-056:

  • For K-awards, the strength of the grantee's and mentor's (for mentored K-awards) statements describing the likely impact of the supplemental funds on the research and career development objectives of the K-award.
  • For T32 grants, the strength of the PI's statements describing the likely impact of the supplemental funds on the research training objectives of the parent grant and the career progression (including employment opportunities) of the appointed trainees.

Budget and Funding Information: See general guidance.

Research Development Costs include:

  1. Hiring of new staff:
    • For mentored K-awards this includes technical personnel, but not prebaccalaureate or predoctoral students or postdoctoral individuals;
    • For unmentored K-awards, this includes technical personnel, postdoctoral individuals, and/or junior faculty;
    • For NCI T32 grants, this includes only postdoctoral individuals.
  2. Increasing hours of current part-time staff
  3. Recruiting personnel for additional needed skills.
  4. Procurement of additional needed equipment as eligible Research Development Costs is not allowed.

Receipt Date: June 1, 2009

Inquiries: Please contact the NCI Center for Cancer Training - Phone 301-496-8580); Fax: 301-402-4472

Contacts for T32 supplements:

Shannon Lemrow, Ph.D.
Dorkina Myrick, M.D., Ph.D.
Sonia Jakowlew, Ph.D.
Lester S. Gorelic, Ph.D.
Ms. Nancy Lohrey, M.S., MT-ASCP

Contacts for early stage investigator K-award supplements:

K01, K99/R00: Nancy Lohrey, M.S., MT-ASCP
K07: Shannon Lemrow, Ph.D.
K08: Dorkina Myrick, M.D., Ph.D.
K22, K25: Sonia Jakowlew, Ph.D.
K23: Lester S. Gorelic, Ph.D.

Contacts for midcareer and established investigator K-award Supplements:

K05: Shannon Lemrow, Ph.D.
K24: Lester S. Gorelic, Ph.D.

Contact for Cancer Education (R25E) Grant supplements:

Lester S. Gorelic, Ph.D.

Inquiries for NCI Diversity Cancer Training Branch (CRCHD) Contacts:

LeeAnn Bailey, Ph.D.
Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities
National Cancer Institute
6116 Executive Blvd., Suite 602, Rm. 6036
Rockville, MD 20852
Phone: 301-496-7344
Fax: 301-435-9225

John Ojeifo, Ph.D.
Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities
National Cancer Institute
6116 Executive Blvd., Suite 602, Rm. 6036
Rockville, MD 20852
Phone: 301-496-7344
Fax: 301-435-9225

Community Network Program and Patient Navigation Research Program

Mechanisms: U01 Community Network Program (CNP) grantees; U01 Patient Navigation Research Program grantees; and R01 and P01 Investigator initiated research grants supported by Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities.

Scientific priorities: Projects involving community-based organizations developing interventions to reduce disparities, community educational projects involving community health educators, patient navigators across the cancer continuum, including patient navigator training, data analysis, assistance in developing evidence-based interventions, recruitment to clinical trials, and other activities that promote the goal of reducing cancer health disparities.

Criteria for Selection:

  • Relevance of the proposed activities to the parent grant and determination that the proposed activities are within the existing peer-reviewed and approved scope of the project.
  • Adequate progress of the parent grant appropriate to the current stage of the project.
  • Appropriate and well-described plan to accomplish the goals within the timeframe proposed.
  • Expertise of the research/scientific team proposed to conduct and achieve the goals of the supplemental study or accelerate the tempo of scientific research.
  • Appropriateness of the request to achieve Recovery Act goals in promoting job creation, economic development, and accelerating the pace and achievement of scientific research.
  • Relevance to target areas/priorities.

Receipt date: See general guidance.

Grants management inquires: See general guidance.

Program Contacts:

Leslie Cooper, Ph.D., RN
Program Director
Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities, NCI
Phone: 301-402-5557

Maria Canto, Ph.D.
Program Director,
Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities, NCI
Phone: 301-594-8993

Kenneth Chu, Ph.D.
Chief, Disparities Research Branch
Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities, NCI
Phone: 301-496-8589

Minority Institutions/Cancer Center Partnership

Mechanisms: P20, U56, U54

Eligibility: Feasibility Studies for Collaborative Interaction for Minority Institution/ Cancer Center Partnership, Cooperative Planning Grant for Comprehensive Minority Institution/ Cancer Center Partnership, and Comprehensive Minority Institution/ Cancer Center Partnership Awardees

Specific areas of focus:

  • Enhancing the activities of clinical trials including increasing enrollment and increasing the capacity for data analysis
  • Research employment opportunities for pre-doctoral students, including medical dental, veterinary, clinical psychology, and nursing students, etc., seeking extended time off for research experience or on shorter term breaks
  • Research employment opportunities for postdoctoral students, including extending support for senior postdoctoral fellows.
  • Research employment opportunities for recent college and master's degree graduates.

Criteria for selection:

  • Relevance of the proposed activities to the parent grant and determination that the proposed activities are within the existing peer-reviewed and approved scope of the project
  • Adequate progress of the parent grant appropriate to the current stage of the project
  • Appropriate and well-described plan to accomplish the goals within the timeframe proposed
  • Expertise of the research/scientific team proposed to conduct and achieve the goals of the supplemental study or accelerate the tempo of scientific research
  • Appropriateness of the request to achieve Recovery Act goals in promoting job creation, economic development, and accelerating the pace and achievement of scientific research
  • Relevance to target areas/priorities

Receipt date: June 1, 2009


H. Nelson Aguila, D.V.M.
Diversity Training Branch
Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities
National Cancer Institute
6116 Executive Blvd., Suite 602
Rockville, MD 20852
Phone: 301-496-7344

Peter O. Ogunbiyi, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Diversity Training Branch
Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities
National Cancer Institute
6116 Executive Blvd., Suite 602
Phone: 301-496-7344

Promoting Diversity in Health-Related Research

Mechanisms: R01, R15, R21, R42, R44, P01, P20, P50, U01, U54, U56, SC1, and SC2

Scientific Priorities: To increase the number of underrepresented individuals, individuals with disabilities and socio-economically disadvantaged scientists conducting competitive cancer research. Administrative supplements may be requested to support research employment and training opportunities in the biomedical, behavioral, clinical and/or population sciences.

Criteria for selection: This opportunity is available for individuals from populations that are deemed underrepresented in biomedical and behavioral sciences at the following career levels:

  • Pre-doctoral students including medical students seeking extended time off for research experience or on short term break
  • Post-doctoral trainees or fellows
  • Post-baccalaureate and post-master's graduates
  • Junior investigators and physician-scientists developing independent research

Receipt date: See general guidance.


Peter O. Ogunbiyi, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Diversity Training Branch
Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities
National Cancer Institute
6116 Executive Blvd., Suite 602
Phone: 301-496-7344

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