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National Institutes of Health

Real Stories of Depression

 Jimmy Brown

Jimmy Brown , a firefighter, is developing a peer counseling program to help police and firefighters deal with stress and depression.

Patrick McCathern

Patrick McCathern, 49 years old, recently retired after 26+ years as First Sergeant in the US Air Force; devotes most of his time to helping other people.

Rodolfo Palma-Lulión

Rodolfo Palma-Luliónwas born in Chile and came to the United States as a child; he recently graduated from the University of Michigan and is now working for the University.

Paul Gottlieb

Paul Gottlieb was a publisher in the art world, with a knack for turning museum catalogues into international best sellers. Sadly, Paul died of a heart attack in 2002, barely two months after this interview.

Rene Ruballo

Rene Ruballo, 44 years old, worked as an urban police officer for over 20 years; he recently retired and lives with his wife and 5 children; he is hoping to attend culinary school and open a restaurant in the near future.