A Soldier from 1st Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division prepares to shoot “insurgents” during an exercise at the National Training Center, Fort Irwin, Calif. This photo appeared on www.army.mil.
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     IKN is a Knowledge Management tool that enables Intelligence soldiers all over the world to communicate, collaborate and investigate. It hosts discussion forums, serves as a single point of entry to get to USAIC and other Intelligence Community websites, and hosts a variety of public and private web applications that support the Intelligence Community. In order to ensure that IKN continues to meet your needs, we encourage you to provide us with feedback.
US Army Intelligence Center Mission :
    The United States Army Intelligence Center's mission is Leading, Training, Equipping and Supporting the world's premier corps of Military Intelligence Professionals who are imbued with a warrior spirit, self-discipline and mutual respect.
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This page was last updated: August 12, 2009