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Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3/5/7

Who We Are

DCS, G-3/5/7 is the largest staff element within TRADOC Headquarters consisting of 15 directorates with over 500 personnel. We provide technical training on 132 Army military specialities; over 1400 specialized courses for approx. 377,000 students annually. We have 281 Leader Development courses for officers, warrant officers, nco's and civilians.

Our Mission

The DCS, G-3/5/7 facilitates informed leadership decisions by overseeing, coordination, and assessing leadership and education, doctrine, and strategic planning requirements as they relate to Army and joint service training goals; Serves as the primary staff representative for interactions pertaining to training, leadership and education, and training support with HQ DA, JFCOM, other MACOMs and agencies; Supports Army operations, mobilization, and readiness requirements; Synchronizes personnel developments activities of TRADOC centers and schools; Maintains and operates the TRADOC Command and Operations Center.