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EONET Launch
EONET is a new one stop AKO portal for all of your EO training needs.

Chief Warrant Officer of the AG Corps Update for Nov 08
CW5 Ron Galloway has released his update to the AG Corps for November 2008. Click the title link above for access.

Military Pay Entitlements Training
The Military Pay Entitlements Training Support Package (TSP) is available as individual files, or as one .pdf file. Please note that this is the TSP, not an online BlackBoard course. To access the files click on the title link above and log in to AKO.

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US Army Adjutant General School

AG School Headlines

18 June 2009

CW5 Scott B. Hagar Becomes the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Chief Warrant Officer

CW5 Scott B. Hagar became the Regimental’s fourth Chief Warrant Officer of the Adjutant General’s Corps.  In a Change of Responsibility ceremony, deeply rooted in military tradition, CW5 Hagar assumed the responsibilities inherent of that position.  As the Regimental Chief Warrant Officer, CW5 Hagar serves as the principal advisor to the Chief of the Adjutant General’s Corps on all matters pertaining to Adjutant General’s Warrant Officers.

CW5 Hagar comes to Fort Jackson from Headquarters, Forces Command, Atlanta, Georgia, where he served in a variety of positions, to include Assistant Executive Officer to the Commanding General, G1 strength management, and Deputy Chief, Personnel Services Assessment and Training Team.

11 December 2008
CSM Darlene C. Hagood Becomes AG Corps Regimental Command Sergeant Major

CSM Darlene C. Hagood became the Regimental Command Sergeant Major of the Adjutant General School and the AG Corps during a ceremony held today before a very full audience at the Soldier Support Insititute Auditorium. CSM Hagood is the first female AG Regimental Command Sergeant Major. CSM Hagood comes to the AG School from her previous assignment as the Command Sergeant Major, Eastern Sector, U.S. Military Entrance Processing Command.