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2003: The Year of Record Breaking Rainfallin the Mid-Atlantic Region

Since the severe drought in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region ended in the Fall of 2002, above normal rainfall has been received. The passage of Hurricane Isabel in September added additional rainfall, especially in the southern part of the Mid-Atlantic region, resulting in a record breaking year in rainfall total in many places. The image below shows the 2003 record breaking rainfall in the Mid-Atlantic Regionis. The map provides detailed information on the spatial distribution of rainfall in the region.

2003: The Year of Record Breaking Rainfall image 2003: The Year of Record Breaking Rainfall image bar
Unit: inch
An accumulated rainfall map of the period between January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2003 in the Mid-Atlantic Region (85°W - 70°W, 35°N - 41°N).

The map was derived from the three-hourly, near-real-time, multi-satellite precipitation analysis data product (a.k.a. 3B42RT) by using the GIOVANNI data analysis tool. For more rainfall information and data analysis, please visit the GIOVANNI/TOVAS at

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  • Last updated: Jun 25, 2009 10:55 AM ET