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APF,/\  P6G;P  APF,`4  pG; S' X w S' I #&a\  P6G;r&P#Federal Communications Commission`g(#FCC 99278 #B7  PT6QA~P##&I7  PT6Qb&P#у   yx}dddy wP Before the IFederal Communications Commission  S'"yWashington, D.C. 20554 ă In the Matter of:) )  S'Satellite Delivery of Network Signals)hXpp"(#p  S'to Unserved Households for )hXpp"CS Docket No. 98201(#p  Sh'Purposes of the Satellite Home)hXpp"XX(# Viewer Act) ) Part 73 Definition and Measurement) of Signals of Grade B Intensity)  Si '#&a\  P6G;r&P#у  S 'YP ORDER ON RECONSIDERATION l  S 'X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:" u {O'ԍNRTC Reply at 7.> EchoStar also suggests that the SHVA does  |$not require signal measurements at a house's rooftop and that any such conclusion is merely "a  X4 |$legal fallacy, propagated by the broadcasters."F#u {O'ԍEchoStar Petition at 11.F Instead, EchoStar argues that signal strength  |$8should be measured at the television set. Alternatively, EchoStar suggests changing several  |$requirements mandated for the outdoor, onsite tests: (1) eliminate the requirement that the testing  |$@antenna be oriented separately for each station being measured; (2) require fewer testing locations  |$and measurements (for each station, replace 1 test at 5 locations with 3 tests at 1 location); (3)  X4 |$@allow parties to choose the type of testing antenna, either a halfwave dipole (as the SHVA Report  X4 |$}and Order required) or gain antenna; (4) clarify that the halfwave dipole required for testing in  X4 |$the Order can be of fixed length.I$2 u {O!'ԍEchoStar Petition at 1114.I The NAB rejects EchoStar's suggestions, except that it does  |$Jadmit that a properly calibrated gain antenna could be used to conduct signal intensity  X[4 |$/measurements.E%[ u {O$'ԍNAB Opposition at 910.E In a "Revised Engineering Statement," however, the NAB adds that a simple  |$&gain antenna is not sufficient and recommends that the Commission specify and endorse particular"8V %,[([(,,="  X4 |$brands and models of antenna.z&zu yOy' |$g ԍRevised Engineering Statement on Behalf of National Assn of Broadcasters at 34 (April 26, 1999). In the  |$ interest of accurate pleadings and informed decision making, we will grant the NAB's motion to file this revised  |$ statement. Specifically, NAB's engineering expert, Jules Cohen, recommends that "antennas with a relatively large  |$ number of elements are more likely to have a more consistent input impedance than the simpler types." He further  |$ notes that the Channel Master Model 3016 is such an antenna and adds that similar antennas would be suitable "if  |$x channelbychannel gain figures are provided and certified by the manufacturer together with the antenna's input  {O)'impedance characteristics." Id. at 4.z The Affiliates state that EchoStar's suggestions, as a group,  |$would reduce accuracy with very little cost savings and assert that the Commission gave full and  X4 |$detailed attention to the creation of the new measurement methodology.K' u {Ou 'ԍAffiliates Opposition at 34.K In its Reply, EchoStar  |$counters that any additional inaccuracies created by a less complex test would fall equally on  Xv4broadcasters and satellite carriers.B(vu {O 'ԍEchoStar Reply at 7.B  X04  k15.` ` When we created the onsite test, we were faced with balancing the cost of the test  |$with the accuracy and objectivity that would result. In the end, we considered many different  X4 |$issues, all of which are thoroughly discussed in the Order.`). u {O'ԍSee SHVA Report and Order at  4560.` We reiterate our intent that the test  |$pshould be relatively inexpensive, simple enough so that an average antenna installer can conduct  |$lit, and objective enough so that the test results will not constantly fall in doubt. EchoStar has  |$Voffered neither new evidence nor new arguments with respect to orientation of the test antenna  |$and the number of test measurements. EchoStar provides new information in its request that the  |$Irule permit testers to use either a halfwave dipole or an antenna with gain to conduct the tests.  |$In the rulemaking, broadcasters also supported the use of a gain antenna, albeit with the recent  X 4 |$qualification that the test antenna should have multiple elements to ensure proper calibration.* u {Oh'ԍNAB ex parte, January 21, 1999, statements of Jules Cohen, NAB engineering expert.  |$8Because a gain antenna is able to accurately measure the intensity of a television signal and  |$_because it will provide additional flexibility for technicians who conduct tests, we amend the  |$testing rule to allow the use of either a gain antenna with several elements or the halfwave  Xk4 |$dipole that we originally endorsed.o+kR u {On'ԍSee Appendix, amendments to 47 C.F.R.  73.686(d)(1)(i). o In response to the concerns raised by the NAB, the revised  |$Irule maintains an impedance match at the antenna at all frequencies. We believe this approach  |$is preferable to endorsing a particular brand or model or requiring use of an expensive test  |$antenna. In addition, we will amend the rule to allow use of signal level test instruments with  |$a bandwidth of 200 kHz through one megahertz (1,000 kHz), rather than requiring a bandwidth  X4 |$of at least 450 kHz.Q,u {OQ%'ԍSee 47 C.F.R.  73.686(d)(2)(i).Q We believe that this amendment will reduce the cost of the tests by"v,,[([(,,"  |$permitting technicians to use test equipment they have on hand and not require them to purchase  X4new equipment.-"u {OV' |$ ԍSee ex parte electronic message from William Stevens ("CATV Signal Level Meter for measuring field strength  |$ . . . is designed for accurate measurement of video carriers, is rugged and portable, and there is an adjustable dipole  |$ already available as an accessory" but it cannot be used due to the rule's requirement for a bandwidth of "at least 450 kHz.")  X4  km16.` ` Confidence Factor. EchoStar asks us to revisit the confidence factor used in the  |$ILLR prediction methodology, an issue that we addressed more exhaustively than any other in  XS4 |$the proceeding that culminated in the SHVA Report and Order. EchoStar contends that the  |$VCommission's decision to set the ILLR's confidence factor at 50% "penalizes the consumer and  |$"errs in favor of some policy of `beltandsuspenders' overprotection for the broadcaster's local  X4 |$pfranchise."I.u {OO 'ԍEchostar Petition at 1516.I Instead, the satellite carrier asserts that the Commission should set the confidence  |$factor at 90% because consumers' rights to a good television picture, not broadcasters' copyrights,  X4 |$must be "the cornerstone of a predictive model.";/Du {O'ԍId. at 1418.; To prevent alleged "overprediction" of  |$}unserved households, EchoStar proposes a "cap" that would cut off eligibility for distant network  |$Vsatellite service if a household cannot be predicted (with 90% confidence) to receive 70.75 dBu  X= 4 |$}or less.>0= u {O'ԍId. at 18.> EchoStar essentially suggests a floor and ceiling for determining whether a household  X 4 |$is unserved the household should receive (a) at least a signal of 47 dBu with 90% confidence,  X 4 |$Nand (b) less than a signal of 70.75 dBu with 90% confidence.1$ h u {O' |$  ԍEchoStar Petition at 1718; EchoStar Reply at 810; see also "Appropriate Statistical Factors for Use in  {O' |$Q Predicting Signal Strength For Purposes of the Satellite Home Viewer Act," attached to January 26, 1999 ex parte  |$ letter from Margaret Tobey, counsel for the Satellite Broadcasting & Communications Assn, to Mr. Donnie Fowler and Ms. Eloise Gore of the Commission's Cable Services Bureau. The NRTC agrees with  |$EchoStar's proposal, stating that the 50% confidence factor penalizes consumers because it is  X4 |$Minaccurate.@2T u {O'ԍNRTC Reply at 57.@ The NAB rejects the change in confidence factors, stating that EchoStar has merely  |$repeated its arguments from the rulemaking and "has given no reason whatsoever to spend  Xq4 |$additional time on this issue."F3qu {O!'ԍNAB Opposition at 1011.F The Affiliates argue that the Satellite Broadcasting and  |$Communications Association's endorsement of the TIREM predictive model, an alternative to the  |$}LongleyRice model endorsed by many satellite commenters, included a 50% confidence factor.  |$The Affiliates state that the satellite carriers should therefore be estopped from arguing for a 90%" x3,[([(,,"  X4 |$factor.94u {Oy'ԍId. at 45.9 In its Reply, EchoStar asserts that a choice between 50% or 90% is a policy choice  X4between consumers and broadcasters, not an engineering or statistical choice.E5Zu {O'ԍEchoStar Reply at 910.E  X4  k17.` ` We decline EchoStar's request to revisit the confidence factor issue. We  Xv4 |$/thoroughly considered and addressed the issues surrounding the confidence factor in the SHVA  XU4 |$&Report and Order and EchoStar has offered no new arguments or facts that warrant a change in  X44 |$uour conclusions. Its suggestion that we adopt a floorandceiling approach to determining  |$unserved households is legally untenable. EchoStar's suggested ceiling of 70.75 dBu would  |$<change the SHVA's definition of unserved household, which is defined only as a household that  X4 |$does not receive a signal of at least Grade B intensity, not as a household that also receives less  X4than a signal of some other level.B6u yOI'ԍ17 U.S.C.  119(d)(10).B   Xh 4  k18.` ` In any action brought under the SHVA, the burden of proof lies with the satellite  XE 4 |$carriers to demonstrate that a particular household is unserved.D7E |u yOr'ԍ17 U.S.C.  119(d)(5)(D).D To be useful in carrying this  |$yburden, any prediction system must demonstrate with a sufficient degree of confidence to be  |$acceptable in a judicial proceeding which households are unserved. Conversely, it is not  |$&sufficient to demonstrate with confidence which households are served. Because of the statistical  X4 |$factors underlying the prediction system, which have not changed since the SHVA Report and  X4 |$Order,`8 u {OU'ԍSee SHVA Report and Order at  7278.` there is a considerable difference between demonstrating with confidence which  |$households are served and which are unserved. EchoStar's suggestions do not advance the goal  XT4 |$3of more accurately identifying unserved households and its Petition with respect to the confidence factor must be denied.  X' III. SUPPLEMENTAL FINAL REGULATORY FLEXIBILITY ANALYSIS Đl  X' A.Background     X>4  kX19.` ` As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA),9Z>u {O"' |$p ԍSee 5 U.S.C. 603. The RFA, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq., has been amended by the Contract With America  |$ Advancement Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104121, 110 Stat. 847 (1996) ("CWAAA"). Title II of the CWAAA is the  yO$'Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 ("SBREFA").  an Initial Regulatory  X4 |$pFlexibility Analysis ("IRFA") was incorporated into the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in this" 9,[([(,,"  X4 |$proceeding.:u {Oy' |$ ԍSatellite Delivery of Network Signals to Unserved Households for Purposes of the Satellite Home Viewer Act, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, CS Docket No. 98201, FCC 98302 (November 17, 1998). The Commission sought written public comment on the expected impact of the  X4 |$Rproposed policies and rules on small entities in the Notice, including comments on the IRFA.  X4 |$The Commission included a Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis ("FRFA") into the SHVA  X4 |$Report and Order.d;"u {On'ԍSHVA Report and Order at Appendix A.d While no petitioners seeking reconsideration of the Order raised issues  |$cdirectly related to the FRFA, the Commission is amending the rules in a manner that may affect  |$small entities, although only in a minor way. Accordingly, this Supplemental Regulatory  |$Flexibility Analysis ("Supplemental FRFA") addresses those amendments and conforms to the RFA.  X'  X'vB.Need for and Objective of the Rules  X 4  kv20.` ` In both the SHVA Report and Order and this Order on Reconsideration, the  |$Commission has addressed methods for determining whether a household is "unserved" byv  XA 4 |$network television stations for purposes of the 1988 Satellite Home Viewer Act.A<A u yO'ԍ17 U.S.C.  119.A Our goal was  |$to provide relatively simple and inexpensive prediction and testing methodologies to determine  |$the intensity of a television signal at a consumer's household. The changes to the onsite test  X 4 |$Noutlined in the current Order on Reconsideration clarifies and simplifies the rule and its implementation and, therefore, serves our objectives.  X4  Xq' C.Legal Basis  X+4  k21..` ` This Order on Reconsideration is authorized under Sections 1, 4(i), 4(j) of the  |$RCommunications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  151, 154(i), and 154(j) and Section 119(d)(10)(a) of the Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C.  119(d)(10)(a).  X' G6! D.XSummary of Significant Issues Regarding FRFA Raised in Petitions for  X~'Reconsideration (#  X84  k22.` ` No parties address the FRFA in their petitions for reconsideration, or any  |$lsubsequent filings. We have, however, addressed, on our own motion, steps taken to further  X4minimize the effect of these requirements on small entities.O=Du {O!'ԍSee 127130 infra.O " =,[([(,,_"Ԍ X' E.Description and Estimate of the Number of Small Entities To  X'Which the Rules Will Apply  X4  k23.` ` The RFA directs the Commission to provide a description of and, where feasible,  Xt4 |$an estimate of the number of small entities that will be affected by the proposed action.G>tu yO'ԍ5 U.S.C.  604(a)(3). G The  |$RFA defines the term "small entity" as having the same meaning as the terms "small business,"  X.4 |$c"small organization," and "small business concern" under Section 3 of the Small Business Act.@?.Xu yO7 'ԍ5 U.S.C.  604(a)(3).@   |$Under the Small Business Act, a small business concern is one which: (1) is independently owned  |$Iand operated; (2) is not dominant in its field of operation; and (3) satisfies any additional criteria  X4 |$established by the SBA.;@u yO^ 'ԍ15 U.S.C.  632.; The action taken in this Order will affect television broadcasting licensees and DTH satellite operators.   X\ 4  kO24.` ` Television Stations. The rule developed in the SHVA Report and Order and  X; 4 |$@reconsidered in this Order on Reconsideration will apply to television broadcasting licensees, and  |$/potential licensees of television service. The SBA defines a television broadcasting station that  X 4 |$Vhas no more than $10.5 million in annual receipts as a small business.A xu yO '#X\  P6G;QwP#э13 C.F.R.  121.201, Standard Industrial Code ("SIC") 4833 (1996). Television broadcasting  |$stations consist of establishments primarily engaged in broadcasting visual programs by television  X4 |$to the public, except cable and other pay television services.BXu yOj' |$ #X\  P6G;QwP#эEconomics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of Census, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1992 CENSUS OF  yO2' |$ TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICATIONS AND UTILITIES, ESTABLISHMENT AND FIRM SIZE, Series UC92S1, Appendix A9 (1995) ("1992  yO'CENSUS OF TRANSPORTATION"). Included in this industry are  X4 |$commercial, religious, educational, and other television stations.Cz( u {Og' |$ #X\  P6G;QwP#эId. See also OMB SIC Manual at 283, which describes "Television Broadcasting Stations (SIC Code 4833) as:  GxJ XEstablishments primarily engaged in broadcasting visual programs by television to the public,  Gxh except cable and other pay television services. Included in this industry are commercial, religious,  Gx educational and other television stations. Also included here are establishments primarily engaged in television broadcasting and which produce taped television program materials. Ƥ Also included are  |$_establishments primarily engaged in television broadcasting and that produce taped television  XH4 |$program materials.DHju yOc#'#X\  P6G;QwP#э1992 CENSUS OF TRANSPORTATION,  Series UC92S1, Appendix A9. Separate establishments primarily engaged in producing taped television  X%4 |$program materials are classified under another SIC number.2E%u {O%' |$ #X\  P6G;QwP#эId. SIC 7812 (Motion Picture and Video Tape Production); SIC 7922 (Theatrical Producers and Miscellaneous  yO&'Theatrical Services (producers of live radio and television programs).  2 There were 1,509 television"% TE,[([(,,2"  X4 |$pbroadcasting stations operating in the nation in 1992.yFu yOy'#X\  P6G;QwP#эFCC News Release No. 31327, Jan. 13, 1993.y That number has remained fairly  |$lconstant as indicated by the approximately 1,579 operating full power television broadcasting  X4 |$stations in the nation as of May 31, 1998.GXu {O'#X\  P6G;QwP#эSee Broadcast Station Totals As Of May 31, 1998, FCC News Release, June 19, 1998. In addition, as of October31, 1997, there were 1,880 low  |$/power television broadcasting ("LPTV") broadcasting stations that may also be affected by our  Xt4 |$proposed rule changes.Htu yO '#X\  P6G;QwP#эGiven the nature of LPTV stations, we will presume that all LPTV's qualify as small entities. For 1992:Itzu {O ' |$ #X\  P6G;QwP#эCensus for Communications' establishments are performed every five years ending with a "2" or "7". See  yOi 'Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of Census, U.S. Department of Commerce.: the number of television broadcasting stations that produced  XQ4less than $10.0 million in revenue was 1,155 establishments.JXQu yO ' |$ #X\  P6G;QwP#эThe amount of $10 million was used to estimate the number of small business establishments because the  |$x relevant Census categories stopped at $9,999,999 and began at $10,000,000. No category for $10.5 million existed. Thus, the number is as accurate as it is possible to calculate with the available information. ` `   X 4  k25. ` ` DBS and other DTH satellite operators. The Commission has not developed a  |$definition of small entities applicable to geostationary or nongeostationary orbit fixedsatellite  |$or DBS service applicants or licensees. Therefore, the applicable definition of small entity is the  |$definition under the SBA rules applicable to Communications Services, Not Elsewhere Classified.  X 4 |$This definition provides that a small entity is one with $11.0 million or less in annual receipts.NK u yO&'ԍ13 C.F.R.  121.201, SIC Code 4899.N  |$The number of employees working for a "small entity" must be 750 or fewer. According to  |$&Census Bureau data, there are 848 firms that fall under the category of Communications Services,  |$JNot Elsewhere Classified that could potentially fall into the DTH category. Of those,  X 4 |$"approximately 775 reported annual receipts of $11 million or less and qualify as small entities.L u yO*'ԍ1992 CENSUS OF TRANSPORTATION ,  Series UC92S1, Table 2D, Employment Size of Firms: 1992, SIC Code 4899.  X 4 |$The action in the SHVA Report and Order and reconsidered in this Order on Reconsideration  |$applies to entities providing DTH service, including licensees of DBS services and distributors  |$of satellite programming. There are four licensees of DBS services under Part 100 of the  Xk4 |$+Commission's rules.CMku {O0 'ԍ47 C.F.R. 100 et seq.C Three of those licensees are currently operational, and each of those licensees has annual revenues in excess of the threshold for a small business.  X%' "% M,[([(,,2"Ԍ X' G6!F.XDescription of Projected Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Other Compliance  X'Requirements (#   X4  k26.` ` We did not prescribe reporting requirements in the original Order and do not do  Xv4 |$so in this Order on Reconsideration. As noted in the Order, parties who choose to conduct individual household measurements are required to memorialize their test observations and results.    X' G6! G.XSteps Taken to Minimize Significant Economic Impact On Small Entities and  X4Significant Alternatives Considered: (#  X4  k27.` ` In formulating our testing rule in the Order, we sought to minimize the effect on  |$lsmall entities while ensuring accurate determinations of signal intensity at individual locations  |$such as households. These efforts are consistent with the Congress' goal of ensuring that  |$"unserved" consumers are able to receive network broadcast signals through a home satellite dish.  |$ The actions we are taking on reconsideration further refine the rule so as to advance this goal and further minimize unnecessary burdens on small entities.  X4  k28.` ` Specifically, in the Order we only allowed the use of one type of testing antenna.  |$Here, on reconsideration, we have increased testtakers' flexibility by allowing the use of a  Xo4 |$second type of antenna.:Nou {O'ԍSee  15.: Additionally, we have amended our rule to allow use of signal level  |$test instruments with a bandwidth of 200 kHz through one megahertz (1,000 kHz), rather than  |$_requiring a bandwidth of at least 450 kHz, because we wish to reduce the cost of the test by  |$permitting technicians to use test equipment they have on hand and not require them to purchase  X4new equipment.1OZu {O'ԍId.1  X' H.Report to Congress   XW4  k29.` ` The Commission will send a copy of the Order on Reconsideration, including this  |$ Supplemental FRFA, in a report to be sent to Congress pursuant to the Small Business Regulatory  X4 |$Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, see 5 U.S.C.  801(a)(1)(A). In addition, the Commission  X4 |$Iwill send a copy of the Order on Reconsideration, including Supplemental FRFA, to the Chief  X4 |$Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration. A copy of the Order on  X4 |$Reconsideration and Supplemental FRFA (or summaries thereof) will also be published in the  X4Federal Register. See 5 U.S.C.  604(b).  XK'f  IV. PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995 ANALYSIS Đl  X 4  k30.` ` This Order on Reconsideration has been analyzed with respect to the Paperwork  |$VReduction Act of 1995 and has been found to contain no new or modified information collection requirements on the public. ""O,[([(,,""Ԍ X'l6 V. ORDERING CLAUSES Đl  X4  k31. ` ` Ordering Clauses. IT IS ORDERED , pursuant to Section 405(a) of the  |$cCommunications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C.  405(a), and Section 1.429 of the Commission's rules,  Xv447 C.F.R.  1.429, that DIRECTV's Petition for Reconsideration IS DENIED .  X04  k 32.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED , pursuant to Section 405(a) of the Communications  |$Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C.  405(a), and Section 1.429 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.   X4 |$1.429, that EchoStar's Petition for Reconsideration IS GRANTED IN PART AND DENIED IN  X4PART .  X 4  k4 33.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the NAB's Motion for Leave to File Corrected  X^ 4Engineering Statement IS GRANTED .  X 4  k!34.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that under authority of Sections 1, 4(i), 4(j) of the  |$lCommunications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i), and 154(j), part 73 of Title  X 447 of the Code of Federal Regulations IS AMENDED as indicated in the Appendix.  X4  k"35.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Commission's Office of Public Affairs,  Xi4 |$Reference Operations Division, SHALL SEND a copy of this Order on Reconsideration,  |$lincluding the Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the  |$Small Business Administration in accordance with paragraph 603(a) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, Pub. L. No. 96354, 94 Stat. 1164, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq. (1981). ` `  Ghh}FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION X` `  Ghh}Magalie Roman Salas(# ` `  Ghh}Secretary"O,[([(,,u"  b4 Appendix ă + =PART 73 RADIO BROADCAST SERVICES  X41.` ` The authority citation for Part 73 continues to read as follows: AUTHORITY: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 334 and 336. Subpart E Television Broadcast Stations  X41.Section 73.686(d) is amended and will read as follows (amended language in bold):  |$ 73.686(d) Collection of field strength data to determine television signal intensity at an individual location cluster measurements.  X 4(1) Preparation for measurements.  X4 ` ` (i) Testing antenna. The test antenna shall be either a standard halfwave  dipole tuned to the visual carrier frequency of the channel being measured  X4  or a gain antenna, provided its antenna factor for the channel(s) under   test has been determined. Use the antenna factor supplied by the  XK'antenna manufacturer as determined on an antenna range. (#  X(4 X` ` (ii) Testing locations. At the location, choose a minimum of five locations as  {close as possible to the specific site where the site's receiving antenna is  located. If there is no receiving antenna at the site, choose the minimum    of five locations as close as possible to a reasonable and likely spot for the   antenna. The locations shall be at least three meters apart, enough so that  the testing is practical. If possible, the first testing point should be chosen   as the center point of a square whose corners are the four other locations.  KCalculate the median of the five measurements (in units of dBu) and report it as the measurement result.(#  X4 aX` ` ( iii v ) Multiple Signals. If more than one signal is being measured (i.e., signals from different transmitters), use the same locations to measure each signal.(#  X4 G6!X(2) Measurement Procedure. Measurements shall be made in accordance with good  G6!engineering practice and in accordance with this section of the Rules. At each measuring location, the following procedure shall be employed:(#  X 4 n` ` (i)X Testing Equipment. Measure the field strength of the visual carrier with  X!4 ra calibrated instrument with a n i.f. bandwidth of at least 450 200 kHz, but  X"4 5no greater than one megahertz (1,000 kHz) . Perform an onsite calibration   of the instrument in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.  The instrument must accurately indicate the peak amplitude of the  synchronizing signal. Take all measurements with a horizontally polarized  X(&4 P dipole antenna. Use a shielded transmission line between the testing  1antenna and the field strength meter. Match the antenna impedance to the"'O,[([(,,A'"  X4 transmission line at all frequencies measured , and, if using an unbalanced  Gline, employ a suitable balun. Take account of the transmission line loss for each frequency being measured.(#  X4 $X` ` (ii) Weather. Do not take measurements in inclement weather or when major weather fronts are moving through the measurement area.(#  XQ4 X` ` (iii) Antenna Elevation. When field strength is being measured for a onestory  building, elevate the testing antenna to 6.1 meters (20 feet) above the  ground. In situations where the field strength is being measured for a  -building taller than onestory, elevate the testing antenna 9.1 meters (30 feet) above the ground. (#  X4 X` ` (iv) Antenna Orientation. Orient the testing antenna in the direction which  maximizes the value of field strength for the signal being measured. If  more than one station's signal is being measured, orient the testing antenna separately for each station.(# X(3) Written Record shall be made and shall include at least the following:(#  X4 X` ` (i) A list of calibrated equipment used in the field strength survey, which for  each instrument, specifies the manufacturer, type, serial number and rated  accuracy, and the date of the most recent calibration by the manufacturer  ]or by a laboratory. Include complete details of any instrument not of standard manufacture.(#  X4 6X` ` (ii) A detailed description of the calibration of the measuring equipment, including field strength meters, measuring antenna, and connecting cable.(#  X4 CX` ` (iii) For each spot at the measuring site, all factors which may affect the  recorded field, such as topography, height and types of vegetation, buildings, obstacles, weather, and other local features.(#  XO4X` ` (iv) A description of where the cluster measurements were made. (#  X,4 rX` ` (v) Time and date of the measurements and signature of the person making the measurements.(#  X4 X` ` (vi) For each channel being measured, a list of the measured value of field  strength (in units of dBu and after adjustment for line loss and antenna  factor) of the five readings made during the cluster measurement process, with the median value highlighted.(#